Chapter 4

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Kristen POV

After school that we had another performance at night. We noticed that EXO was there also. And like what they did before, they wait until everybody is gone, at the door.

"Oh EXO you're here again. What wrong? "

"Oh um. We have a request. " (Xiu-min )

"Mm, what is it? "

"We want to verse the twin in a competition. " (luhan )

"Ummm. "

"So is that a Yes or no? "

"Umm, we will think about it...."

"Okay. We'll be here watching your performance every day. Your songs change every time huh? Very interesting....."(lay)

"Hahaha Yeah."

"So are u guys doing anything tonight? "

"Can we bring u home? "

'eonnie what now? '

'I don't know.'


"You guys wanna to pair you with one of us? "

"Umm sure."

"EXO. Pair you with them."

"Kristen would you....." (Kris)


"Carol... Hey up do u wanna -" (Xiu-min )


We all sat on different tables in the restaurant. Like couples.

We talk about each other and luhan went to join Kristen and lay when to join Carol.

Kristen, luhan, and Kris

"When is your birthday? "

"Haha. Why? We just met yesterday... "

"Just asking. "

Carol, lay and Xiu-min

"Hey, Carol. Are u really a twin? U two look alike."

"Yeah, Why?

"So when is your birthday? "

"Why? "

After a while, we told EXO that we need to go now and we waved at them and walk off.


"Aish she didn't answer a single of my question for me! " (Kris)

"She didn't answer all..." (Xiu-min )

"You guys know that if they aren't actually the twin. We embarrassed ourselves today right...? " (suho )

"Yeah... "(Kai)

"Oh Wow, you guys..."

'I think I need to find out the truth...'  (lay)

'I think I need to find out the truth if they are really my sister... ' (luhan)

Kristen POV

"OMG that was so close."

"Yeah. "

"I think lay oppa know that is us already. "

"What!!! "

so do u like the update? now a day I don't really have time to update or write so I may update once in a while sorry. Hope you liked the chapter! Thanks for reading!

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