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Okay I'm sure some of you are like this plz don't get offended.

My family, the entire family, watches TV to watch TV, reads books to read books, and talks just to talk.

I watch TV shows that I have wanted to watch, read books that I've wanted to read, and use speech as a form of communication to share information I want to share.

When I do things they have a point.

When my family does things it is because they are bored.

I do not get on netflix because I want to watch "something" I get on netflix because I want to watch Sherlock, dw, criminal minds, spn, try out anime, etc.

I'm fine with this.

I'm not fine with it when they drag me into it too.

I do not do small talk.
I do not do chit chat.
I do not talk about my day.

Okay maybe I do but it's only if something interesting happened.

If it's just an average day I want to keep my mouth shut and stare off into space.

You don't eat just to eat you eat because you're hungry.

So why do you talk out of boredom.

"If you're bored go do something productive."
-my parents (direct quote)

Take your own advice mother.

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