Anti-fangirl virus

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Ok so the reason I've been asking about the teddy bears:

Certain Teddy bears are actually allies of the cybermen sent to infect us with the anti-fangirl virus.

It is called the anti-fangirl virus because basically you become the exact opposite of a fangirl.

Symptoms of the virus include:

•obsession with a real live human who shares the same feelings with infected person.

•Over interest in his or her own social life.

•not understanding references.

•Disapearing mysteriously. May claim to be going on "dates". These disappearances are usually when the infected person reports to the cybermen which are somewhere on earth hiding in a cybership.

Ok so now you know what to look for.

Know anyone who has been infected?

Seen any teddies?

Warning: if you have a teddy at your house it has had multiple opportunities to infect you and is most likely NOT an evil cyberteddy.

You can kill cyberteddys by stabbing them with a wooden stake through the right eye.


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