"Do you want me to leave?" Dream whispered bluntly, staring George right in the eyes.

George stared back, biting his bottom lip. "I-I...don't know what I want."

"Clearly." Dream said. He wasn't annoyed at George, just confused on what's going on between them.

"Dream, I'm not...I don't want-"

"Do you want this?"  Dream said, leaning in extremely close to George's face and putting his pointer finger under George's chin to bring it up closer to his own face. Their lips were centimeters away from touching.

George breathed shakily as his own breath laced with Dream's, trying to steady his heart that was beating like crazy. George didn't mean to, but he let out a soft breathy moan, which caused Dream to smirk.

This was all too much for George. The contact, the shaky breathing, the tension. His head was spinning. George broke away from Dream's touch and backed up a few steps.

"I think you should go." George decided.

Dream said nothing but nodded, reaching past George to open up the door and walk out. He was stopped by Sapnap on the way out who was cozied up in a blanket in front of the living room TV, eating his now steaming hot leftover quesadilla.

"Hey, you leaving man?" Sapnap asked, not bringing his eyes off the TV while blowing on his food to cool it down.

"Yeah, I uh...I have to be somewhere, so. I'll see you later." Dream said.

"Ah okay man. Hey, nice meeting you by the way."

"You too." Dream said, quickly opening the front door to the apartment and shutting it behind him.

He let out a huge sigh as he started walking down the stairs.

That was it. Dream thought. He had fucked everything up with George. He crossed a line because he thought George wanted what Dream so desperately wanted, what he had wanted honestly since when he first met George at the café.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." Dream said as he kicked his foot into a lamp post a few streets down from George's apartment.

He didn't want to leave George's place- he wanted to stay. He wanted George to want him to stay.

Was George not feeling the same things Dream was feeling? The ease, the desire, the need- the tension thick enough to choke on? It was so weird for Dream to process these thoughts. Not that he didn't date tons in the past- he absolutely did. Once as a teen, he had five girlfriends in a one-year period. It wasn't the initiation, the beginning stages, or even the actual dating that was confusing for him: it was the fact that George was the first boy Dream had ever thought about sexually.

And now for a short recap of Dream's sexual and/or romantic history with members of the same sex. In second grade, Dream kissed Gavin Hanson on the mouth, and seconds later Gavin started sobbing and called the teacher over to tattle on Dream. Dream didn't think the tears had to do with him, so he didn't take it personally, but he still cringes at that moment to this day. Then when he was twelve, his friends thought it would be hilarious to all run down the street late at night naked. Though on the night of the streaking, Dream couldn't bring himself to get all the way undressed, but still watched as his friends all had their dicks out, running and screaming down the dead-end street. When he was fifteen, Dream sucked off his student math tutor Drew Garley in the band classroom after school one day. "This is weird, right?" Drew asked Dream in the middle of getting his dick sucked. Dream shrugged, because he didn't seem to think it was weird until Drew said something. And finally, Christian Ross. Dream was nineteen, at a college party that he was for some reason invited to even though he didn't go to college, and he got absolutely blasted drunk. He finally worked up the courage all night to go up to Christian, and in the middle of Dream grinding on and making out with Christian, the alcohol finally caught up to his bladder and...yep. Dream had pissed himself. All over Christian's nice acid dye ripped skinny jeans.

December: A DNF NovelWhere stories live. Discover now