One Shall Fall

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The Autobots and their human friends have been through many adventures, but this one will take things up to eleven.  They have recently found an ancient Cybertronian prophecy.  And it's no bedtime story...

Optimus: And it was written in the Covenant of Primus that 'when the forty-seven spheres align, a perpetual conflict will culminate upon a world forged from chaos. And the weak shall perish in the shadow of a rising darkness.

Arcee: No "skies raining fire"?

Ratchet: Goes without saying, it is a doom prophesy after all.

Bulkhead: I say it's a load of hooey.

Gulfstream: Yeah, you should see all the doom prophesies found on Earth. 

Ratchet: I had always assumed that the ancients were referring to our home planet, but being that Cybertron has dark for eons...

Optimus: And considering what has befalling this planet since Megatron's arrival here...

Dodger: Is it referring to......Earth?

Bulkhead: Whoa whoa whoa, we've known about these superstitions for ages and never gave them a second thought.

Arcee: Why all the ominous rumblings now?

Optimus: Because the planetary alignment to which the prophecy refers, is nearly upon us.

Ratchet: And it seems its end Earth.

Bulkhead: Uh...crazy coincidence! Huh, right?

Arcee: How long are we talking?

Ratchet: A few most

Optimus: How ever unsettling this revelation may be, I am more concerned about those who might believe that the prophecy speaks to them alone...

Gulfstream: You mean like...Megatron?

Dodger: Yeah, is buckethead really going to believe something like this?

Optimus: While I am uncertain of Megatron's belief in superstitions, his lust for power can cloud his judgement to a point...that the prophecy may sound like a calling card...

(The Nemesis)

The Decepticons have also found the prophecy, and it's making Megatron even more maniacal than before.

Megatron: I did not seek the blood of simply keep my spark aflame, but to rule undead armies and conquer worlds!  And to accomplish that...I require more than this mere sliver which lies within where is MY DARK ENERGON!!?

Knockout: Out there Lord Megatron, just waiting for you to reach out and pluck it. (Megatron glares at him) But you...shouldn't push yourself so hard, you've had setbacks, you've been in stasis.

Megatron grabbed Knockout by the shoulder and looked at him with a facial expression that will make your oil run cold.

Megatron: Precisely why I must make up for lost time!  I can see the future...vividly!  But I must ensure its outcome...for I am the rising darkness of which the prophecy speaks!

(Autobot base)

Dodger and Thomas were rolling to base, the kids were unaware of the prophecy, but even if they knew about it, it was uncertain how they reacted to it, after all, they've seen their fair share of doomsday conspiracy theories on the internet.

Once they got to base, Dodger joined his fellow Autobots while Thomas went up to the human area.

Jack: Hey Thomas.

Thomas: Hey Jack, whats up?

Jack: Just trying to help the bots maintain their cover.

Raf had his laptop open and he, Jack and Miko were looking through pictures about alleged alien sightings.  Given how these four kids actually hang out with real aliens, giant transforming alien robots, these photos are very unconvincing...most of them.

TFP: Ballad of Dodger (Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang