Operation Breakdown

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It was another day at the Autobot base, except Jack, Raf and Thomas weren't here, they were at work or at home studying, Miko however was here.  As were the other bots, except for Bulkhead who was tracking a stray energon signal on the Kamchatka Peninsula on the Eastern end of Siberia.  Agent Fowler was there as well, for an in-person briefing with Optimus.  Right now, Miko was playing Forza with Gulfstream, who used the cybertronion sized controller to play the game.  Miko was driving a Dodge Viper ACR while Gulfstream, having little familiarity with ground vehicles, just chose a BMW M5 and she was finding out the hard way that although this Beamer was fast, it's not in the same class as the snake with the V10.  Miko was running laps around the Seeker, much to her glee and the seeker's annoyance.  Sure enough, Miko won the race.

Miko: Hooyah!

Gulfstream: Scrap!  Lost again!

Miko: So, how do like human videogames Gulf?

Gulfstream: This one?  Not my element.  How can I win a driving game when I'm built to fly?

Miko: At least you're not Bee, he kicks our tails every time at this game.

Gulfstream: (smirks) I'll bet he does.

Meanwhile Bulkhead hasn't reported in, much to Ratchet's concern.

Ratchet: Bulkhead, do you read me? (No answer) Bulkhead!?  I can't reach Bulkhead.

Miko: Let me try Doc bot. (Takes out cellphone) Marko? Marko? Marko!?

Bulkhead: Miko?

Miko: NAH! Your supposed to say Polo....

Bulkhead: Huh?  Miko, (grunts) let Ratchet now I need a groundbridge.

Miko: You got it Bulk! (Hangs up, turns to Ratchet) Ratch!  Bulk needs a ride home!

Ratchet: On its way.

Ratchet opened the groundbridge and soon Bulkhead came walking through, but he was holding his head like he had a headache, much to Miko's concern.

Bulkhead: Uhh...

Miko: You OK big guy?

Bulkhead: Yeah, I'll manage.

Ratchet decided to look over Bulkhead and was soon doing some repairs to the green wrecker.  He was still working when Optimus came over with the others.

Optimus: Engaging the enemy on your own was foolish Bulkhead.

Bulkhead: Breakdown jumped me!  I know I could take him. (grunts)

Ratchet: Stay still. (Continues working)

Miko: But we should see the other guy!  Right Bulk!?

Bulkhead: Uh, yeah.  About that...

Miko: You didn't...torch him?

Bulkhead: Not exactly, (turns to the other Bots) I figured you all did.

Miko: Oh...

Gulfstream: Sorry Bulk, we were never there.

Bulkhead: Well....someone had to have taken care of Breakdown.

Dodger: What do you mean?

Bulkhead: Well, when I came to, Breakdown was...just gone.  I remember hearing a copter, maybe it was Agent Fowler.

Agent Fowler: Not me, (walks over to the handrail) But I have an idea who.  Show me where this con-napping occurred.

(The Nemesis)

Meanwhile on the Nemesis, Starscream has now fully recovered from his beatdown from Megatron, and he has his right arm replaced after losing it to the shadowzone.  Knockout was able to find a spare right arm that matched Starscream's frame and reattached it.  Right now, he was roaming the halls when he ran into a crewmate he'd rather not have, Harpoon.

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