Darkness Rising Pt. 5

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Optimus: We cannot allow Megatron to send dark energon through his spacebridge.  If we fail, the dead of Cybertron will rise.  Swarm through its vortex.  And invade Earth, bending mankind to Megatron's twisted rule.

(Autobot missile silo)

The Autobots were gathered at their base along with Thomas, Miko and Raf.  Jack was nowhere to be seen, neither was Arcee.  They needed to find a way to thwart Megatron from reviving Cybertron's dead.  It was quickly determined that the spacebridge is the key, therefore, find the spacebridge and stop Megatron, somehow...

Ratchet: Optimus!  I've pinpointed the location of Megatron's spacebridge, high in Earth's orbit

Optimus: Out of our reach.

Miko: OK, so you guys don't fly, but can't you just groundbridge there?

Ratchet: A groundbridge has limited range, stretched all the way into orbit, it's vortex could snap, and scatter us to the stars.

Optimus: Since Megatron is likely already in transit, I'm afraid we must take that risk.  Reaching the spacebridge first is our only means of stopping him.

They heard a light-pitched horn and saw Arcee roll in, with a passenger.

Thomas: Jack!?

Jack: Hey, guess who's back?

Optimus: Autobots!  Prepare for departure.

Arcee: (transforms) Where too?

Miko: The final frontier!

Jack: Space?  I thought they didn't have any way to get there.

Raf: They don't.... really

Thomas: They do, buts its risky.

Jack: Um, (looks up at Arcee) be seeing ya?

Arcee just shrugs, smirks and walks away.  Ratchet activates the groundbridge.  The other humans take a moment to say goodbye and goodluck to their guardians.

Raf: Be careful Bee.

Bumblebee: =Got it=

Miko: I'm so jealous!

Bulkhead: Don't even think about following me!

Thomas: Good luck Dodge.

Dodger: (smirks) Thanks Thomas.

Ratchet: Optimus, if you leave me stranded on a planet teeming with humans, I will never forgive you!

Optimus: Until we meet again old friend. (Deploys battle mask) Autobots!  Roll out!

Optimus, Arcee, Dodger, Bulkhead and Bumblebee transformed, and sped into the groundbridge vortex.  About halfway through, Optimus ordered "Maximum Overdrive!" to give Autobots the necessary velocity to get into outer space.  Once on the other side of the vortex, they were in outer space, floating towards the spacebridge.

Optimus: Autobots!  Transform and gravitize!

Right on que, the Autobots transformed and gravitized themselves, allowing them to land on the spacebridge without floating away.  Bulkhead had a little bit of a stumble.

Bulkhead: Wha-Whoa!  Don't look down.  Or up.  Or left.

Dodger: Don't worry Bulk.

The Autobots soon notice the Nemesis coming towards them.

Arcee: So Megatrons' packing enough dark energon to raise Cybertron's dead?

Optimus: And since we don't possess ready means of disabling the spacebridge... (Activates his blasters, the others follow suit) Nothing gets in!  Or out!

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