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Jayce didn't even know. I wasn't surprised. That's when I asked, "What happened to your leg?" 

He slightly tilted his head. in doing so his chocolate-like hair slightly bounced. You thought it was quite adorable like he's a labradoodle puppy. "My leg? oh. I was born with it." he then exclaimed.

He had a really interesting accent attached to his sentences. It suited him, he was wearing a ruffled suit. But you had to admit, it looks like that man hasn't seen sunlight or have slept in in a hundred years. You thought it would be disrespectful to ask him about that. so you decided to keep that to yourself. When you slightly moved you felt a painful shock run through your body. You whimpered. You saw Victor walking your way. 

He told me to sit still. That's when I said."I have to go, else Silco will find me. he will not hesitate to kill us." When I tried to stand up another painful shock waved over my fragile body. "fuck." I mumbled. 

"Just lay down." Jayce then exclaimed. pushing me down by my chest. I got slightly annoyed and said, "Jayce get your hands off my boobs." He immediately removed his hand as he got extremely red. 

You could see Victor holding his head. Then he whispered something to Jayce. I tilted my head, and with that, the two boys looked at me. I squeezed my eyes. "what the fuck are you going to do to me." I said. coldly. 

Jayce sighed. "It's for your safety." My eyes widened as I saw Jayce approach with a small needle that Victor handed him. I tried to back way but my stab wound hurt too much. Jayce climbed on top of me as he placed the needle in my neck, making me pass out. 

Stalker \Silco x Fem Reader.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon