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And he sat next to me. The soft velvet sofa carrying our weight. And the muffled music making their way through the hall flowing in his office. As he slicked his hair back he gazed at me. His eye's formed an expression. I tried to read it. But he was like a teenage diary with a lock. Impossible to read. But if I wanted him to trust me I better find that key. 

This intense stare kept going for what felt like hours. That's when the world stopped for a second. He moved his textured slender hand towards my cheek. I sat still. And watched the scene unfold. 

His thin slender body towering over mine. That's when Silco slowly moved his other hand and carefully moved some loose locks from my hair and put them behind my ear. I looked at him. "Thank you," I exclaimed. My voice is soft and calm. He carefully placed your head onto his chest. His ruffled red blouse was slightly open. As you rested your exhausted mind on his chest you noticed something. Instead of natural body heat, he felt..cold.Almost..dead like.

That's when he placed a gentle kiss on your head. Holding you like a porcelain fragile puppet. He hugged you. We stayed in this position for a while. I hugged him back. He held me as he would never let go. 

"Silco..." I then softly mumbled. "yes?." Silco then replied In a tone you never truly felt before. A smile spread on his face. trust. Affection. Love. 

My eye's widened as I stared into his magical eyes. He looked down on me. he tilted his head. . Still expecting me to continue my question. But I couldn't. my eyes were hooked on his. His left aquamarine is blue like an eye. And his Scarlet red on the right. Another silence fell upon us. 

His heavy cologne swarmed the room. That's when our faces slowly came closer. I looked at his lips. His once caring facing face turning turned into a lustful stare. Desperate for each other's needs.

As our noses touched I could feel his desperate breath fall upon my lips. My heartbeat started to irregular as his lips barely collided with mine. 

Stalker \Silco x Fem Reader.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum