A Safe Space

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"She escaped. 


As I was flying through the Under-City I saw a lot of distressed people. I noticed a lot of Silco's men wandering around the lanes. 

I swallowed and I knew that the Under-City wasn't the best place for me to hide right now. As I started flying I heard a loud crash on the back of my board. 

I sharply turned around. Silco had shot it. As I started to crash I prepared myself for landing. as I threw myself on the floor, my head hitting the wall, I knew that I needed to run. 

I ran as fast as I could in the opposite direction of where I saw Silco. But I was so disoriented I ran straight towards him. 

AKA I ran directly in his chest. I fell back. but Silco didn't budge. he was annoyed. "You were supposed to be dead"

I started crying and tried to back away from the now-approaching man. I walked back as far as I could but eventually hit my back against the wall. 

That's when he crouched down to my level. I closed my eyes and prepared for death. That's when he hugged me. 

In shock, I didn't hug back. that's when I felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach. I coughed.


I looked down.  the eye is wide open. 

he stabbed me. My stomach was bleeding heavily. and he didn't let me go. then, with the last breaths, I had left hugged him. 

"I did love you." 

and Vith that my body went limp and my vision faded. 


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