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So, when we arrived back at the tree I looked Ekko in the eye. He knew exactly what I was thinking. All I wished for was for him to say that everything was going to be okay. But instead, he held me and said "I'm sorry." 

I cried while hugging him, he brought me to my home and he made sure that I was protected. I sat down on my bed. All I could see was him. 

Noone else. 

Now he knows I'm still alive. What will he do if he finds me? what would have happened if Ekko didn't come back to save me.

My mind was raging. but one thing was sure. He is going to find me. 

Well, days went past, still no sign of Silco. I tried to shove him away from my thoughts. I spent a lot of time with Ekko. he was the only one I could trust with my issues. 

And he was a good listener. I adored him. I told him about Silco and everything he had done for me. He already knew, but I just needed to get it off my chest.

He assured me that it was impossible to find me here. And since he is so busy with all the shipments he wouldn't look for me. 

As much as I wanted to believe his sweet words I knew that he wouldn't rest until he found me. I also knew that if he found me here I would bring Ekko's life and many others in danger.

I lay in my bed. Facing the ceiling. It's been a week, and I am sick worried. what if Silco finds me, and I would bring everyone's life in danger. I have to run away. 

I sat up. It was midnight, I sighed. I looked out of the window. and then I knew I had to pack. I had to keep everyone safe. 

I grabbed everything I needed, leaving books and paintings behind. 

I grabbed my board and my firefly suit and flew away. Little did I know Ekko watching me leave. Not stopping me. He knew.


I ordered my men to find out where she was hidden, kill them if you have to. But find her. and bring her to me, alive. 

My men started beating up people on the street, trying to gain information out of them. And it wasn't long before we found out there was a secret "tree" nearby. 

It was midnight. and we immediately made our way to this "tree" as we arrived I had to say, I was impressed. 

That's when my men dragged a tinted man in front of me. My man broke his leg and he was screaming in agony. 

"Where is she," I said. demanding an answer. He looked at me, his face being beaten up and bleu. That's when he spit on my shoes. 

I sighed. "kill him." his eye's widened. 

"wait!" he screamed. I turned around. "Tell her I love her." and with that, he was slain. 

when everyone was found I noticed that there were a lot of young kids there. Crying at the sight of the tinted man.

That's when one of my men told me that she wasn't home. 

I clenched my fist. she had to be somewhere. as I examined her "house" I found a small note. that's when I loudly yelled in anger. 

she escaped.

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