Y\n never dies bitch

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( little backstory, Y/n was stabbed, presumed dead. and were thrown in a river with a stab wound. Well, of course, Y/n's personality strait is to always collapse and never die so here she is! she was saved by Ekko and became one of the fireflies and trained her ass off and became one of them. Ekko has a huge crush on Y/n. why? because she is in a Wattpad story of)

I woke up in my bed, ever since Ekko saved me I became stronger. and my future looked bright. I was super nervous because this is my first time charging at one of Silco's illegal shimmer shipments

I knew I was ready, the only thing I wasn't ready for is facing Silco, but there is a small change of him being actually on board.

I had my mask. It was shaped like an Owl, it matched with Ekko's.

Well, I took a deep breath in and heard knocking on my door, I opened it and saw Ekko holding beautiful flowers.

"For good luck!" he said happily. I smiled and accepted the flowers and invited him in. I put the flowers in water and faced Ekko.

"So, how are you feeling?" he said.

"So nervous, but I am ready!"

Good he said, we're leaving now. I widened my eyes but nodded. "Let's go," I said determinedly.

I grabbed my flying board and we went on our way. We found the illegal shipments pretty quick and we charged them.

We took down a few of Silco's men. I took down 3, then one muscular one broke my board. I fell on the ship. the muscular man charged at me. I dodged it and the only way I could was If I ran into the captain's room. and succeeded I was now inside. the door locked.

I took a deep breath, but when I turned around to check if I could flee somewhere I saw Silco sitting in his chair looking at me.

I froze on the spot. He didn't recognize me because of the mask. I could see Ekko watch through a window.

Ekko knew about Silco and how he traumatized me.

Silco stood up, I slid down to the ground, I was too weak to stand up to him. He removed my mask.

Stalker \Silco x Fem Reader.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang