
470 23 3

      Sitting up from my bed, the moonlight seeps into my room from the open window. Looking to my side, I smile softly upon seeing Sakusa sleeping on his stomach with the side of his face on the pillow, his arms underneath it.

     Reaching over to my phone, I look at the time.

     3:00 AM... Now that's a scary number. Why did my body decide to wake up at a time like this? I went to bed at 11 PM, so why?

     Hearing a thud come from downstairs, I flinch and stare at the open door. My heart rate begins to pick up at the sound of more thuds coming from downstairs.

     Looking down at Sakusa, his chest rises and falls in a steady motion, letting me know that he's still in a deep sleep. I want to wake him up, but I want to let him sleep because he's been staying up recently to make sure I don't have any nightmares.

     Deciding to get up and investigate, I walk around to Sakusa's side of the bed and use my phone light to find the gun he hides under the bedside table.

     He only keeps it under here in case of situations where he needs to protect me. In this case, I need to use it to protect my family...

     Finding the pistol, I quietly load it before standing back up and setting my phone down. Walking out of the room, I walk with my shoulder against the wall. Upon reaching the stairs, I walk down slowly before stopping.

     Maybe I shouldn't be doing this. I'm carrying a baby for crying out loud...

     Freezing at someone's breath hitting the nape of my neck, I slowly turn around. My eyes widen at an unfamiliar face.

     Before I can scream, he pins me up against the wall and places his hand on my mouth. The man holds a knife to my belly, my eyes flying wide open.

     Wake up Sakusa! FUCKING WAKE UP!

     Realizing that he hasn't noticed the gun, I bring it up to his abdomen and scowl. "Bye," I say, my voice muffled because of his hand on my mouth. Just as I fire the pistol, he stabs me in my side, a pain-driven yelp escaping me.

     The explosion-like sound echoes throughout the house as I slide down the wall and grip my side where the knife is stuck.

     Sakusa is the first to run down the stairs, but he stops halfway upon noticing the knife and man groaning on the ground, blood spilling from the wound. I glance at him, pain coursing all throughout my body.

     And just as the image of my baby pops into my mind, a loud cry escapes me. Please don't tell me I lost him!

     Sakusa runs down to me and picks me up before turning to my parents, Osamu, and Rei. "Call 911 for that guy! I'm taking Atsumu to the hospital!" He says hurriedly, grabbing his keys and running out the door with me in his arms.

     "Why didn't you just wake me up!?" He shouts, hastily setting me down in the front passenger seat. The raven then rushes around to the driver's seat of my dad's red 4-door Jeep Wrangler and slides in, turning on the car.

     I guess he didn't care which keys he grabbed.

     "I- I didn't want to wake you..." I mutter, wincing with a hiss as he quickly reverses out of the driveway and speeds off out of the neighborhood.

     "Fuck that Atsumu! If you think something strange is happening, ALWAYS wake me up! I don't care if you think I'll be tired!" He shouts, turning harshly onto the highway before glancing at me.

     Blood gushes from the wound, the knife still deep inside. "DAMMIT ATSUMU! You shouldn't be so careless!"

     "S-Stop yelling..." I say quietly, heavy tears streaming down my face.

𝐇𝐲𝐩𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐝 [𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮; 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐔]Where stories live. Discover now