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S a k u s a

1 week later

     "Oh come on," I whine, staring at the purple squid plushie beside a tower of blankets with Atsumu obviously underneath. He's mad that I denied cuddles an hour ago because I was busy doing something.

     Recently I've been coming over every day. His mom thought it'd be funny if she got him those mood squid plushies. Apparently, he's starting early with the mood swings, and they are nasty.

     He can be fine one minute but mad or sad the next. Yesterday I said no to something and he started crying, like full-on crying. Osamu chased me around the house because of it.

     Scowling, I push some of the blankets off of him so he can breathe. "Babe, come on. What do you want? Whatever it is, I'll give it to you." I say with a whine, throwing my head back before frowning at the plush toy.

     "This is pathetic. Using a toy to-" I pause, hearing a soft whimper come from underneath the blanket, my heart shattering. "Just tell me what you want and I'll give it to you..."

     Getting no response, I walk out of the bedroom and head to the pantry in the kitchen where everyone else is. Grabbing a bunch of candies, I grab Sara's attention.

     "Why are you grabbing all of that?" She asks curiously, looking up from Rei's phone, for my sister was showing her something.

     "Atsumu is hiding under the blanket and has that stupid plush toy on angry," I say bluntly, glaring at her as she starts laughing. "It's not funny.." I mumble, my sister joining in on laughing at my misfortune.

     "Sure it is dear. This is all because he's carrying a hybrid. Depending on the hybrid, symptoms may start earlier and it could possibly grow faster than an average baby." Atsumu's mom states.

     "I would say it's your fault for getting him pregnant, but it's not," Osamu says, glaring at his parents, Nolan and Sara. "It's your fault."

     "Yeah yeah... we feel bad about it, there's no need to make it worse," Nolan states tiredly.

     Deciding to leave the room with all the candies and chocolate, I walk in the direction of my beloved's room and drop them on his bed right in front of him. Snaking his hand out from under the blanket, he takes the sweets and pulls them in under the blanket.

     "Jesus- Babe, baby, love of my fucking life, why?" I ask, chuckling. All I get as an answer is a whimper. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I place my hand over him and gently squeeze his shoulder.

     Slipping his hand out from under the blanket, he grabs the plush toy and turns it inside out, making it happy.

     "Is this all you wanted?" I ask.

     "A little attention from you, yes..." He mumbles, getting out from under the blanket and smirking at the candies I brought him. "Hehe."

     "You tricked me." I deadpan, frowning at him just before he flies into my arms and kisses me on the nose.

     "Maybe, maybe not. Just don't deny cuddles..." He says, a few tears welling in his eyes. "I love you." At this, I smile and wrap my arms around his waist, pulling him closer to me. "Say it back!" He demands.

     "Haha, okay, I love you too," I respond, kissing him on the lips.

     This whole situation with Rayden and Atsumu's ex... It has me on edge. But I guess I shouldn't feel this way because I'll always be around to protect Atsumu. If I'm away and sense he's in danger, I can teleport to his location.

𝐇𝐲𝐩𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐝 [𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮; 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐔]Where stories live. Discover now