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1 month later

-Atsumu is 2 months pregnant-

     "I'm nervous, Omi..." I mumble.

     I'm referring to the fact that we're meeting his dad today. He's a well-known businessman and travels the world for meetings and such to expand his business.

     And today I'm also going to his house. Apparently, his mom wants to meet me. She sounded sober, so Rei and Sakusa thought it'd be an okay idea. But he's hesitant because I'm like a precious item to him.

     One crack and he'll go nuts.

     Standing beside Rei and Sakusa, we face the doors to the airport. A man with jet black hair and corresponding black eyes walks through the doors, causing me to flinch and grab onto Sakusa's sleeve.

     "It's okay love, I'm here." The raven says softly, holding me close to him as the tall, muscular man approaches.

     Now I know where Sakusa gets his looks...

     "Hey, dad!" Rei squeals, running over and flying into his arms as he chuckles and keeps one arm open for his son.

     Sakusa looks at me before I nod. He smiles before letting go of me and rushing over to hug the man.

     "My children... I missed you dearly. I wish I was here for young Maya..." Their dad says softly, a single tear rolling down his face as his son and daughter pull away to look at him.

     Sakusa backs up upon noticing my trembling and hugs me tightly. "So this is the famous Atsumu I've heard all about, am I correct?" The man asks, looking to his son and Rei, who nod in response.

     "Yes. This is Atsumu Miya, my pregnant boyfriend." Sakusa says, smiling softly down at me. He places his hand on my belly and gently rubs it as I hum with my eyes closed and lean into him. (Apparently, belly rubs while pregnant feel good- )

     "Nice to meet you, I'm Dylan Sakusa. Kiyoomi and Rei's father, as you probably already knew. You seem to make my son very happy." Dylan says, smiling.

     "I hope so..." I mumble, opening my eyes and looking over at the man as Sakusa continues to rub my belly.

     "You do make me happy, Atsu, very much." He responds, kissing me gingerly on the temple before looking over at his dad. "We should get you to the Miya's place so you can rest before meeting your sad excuse of a wife."

     Dylan sighs before nodding and walking toward the truck.

     Sakusa guides me to the rear passenger side door before opening it and having me slide in the middle seat to ensure my safety just in case of an accident. Rei slides in on my right as Sakusa and Dylan hop in the front.


     It's been a few hours. My parents and Sakusa's dad are getting along very well. It's kinda weird seeing them talk amongst themselves like they've known each other for years.

     "Are you okay, Atsu?" Sakusa asks, walking up from behind me and placing his hands on my belly.

     "I feel sick.." I mumble, yawning. "And tired," I add.

     "Morning sickness again?" He asks. Nodding in response, I turn around and hug him tightly, the baby bump getting in the way just a little bit. "God, I'll never get used to this."

     "Haha, me neither." Speaking softly, I yawn again and lay my forehead on the raven's shoulder. "Honestly, I'm scared of going to sleep. I haven't told you or anyone else, but I keep having vivid dreams of Rayden and Kita." At this, he flinches.

𝐇𝐲𝐩𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐝 [𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮; 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐔]Where stories live. Discover now