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     "Mmph~" I hum, my heart racing a mile a minute as Sakusa snakes his hand up my chest and to my neck, squeezing lightly while pounding into me from behind. "J-Janitor's closet... W-Was this really- hah~ necessary?" (Lol classic janitor's closet)

     "I just couldn't wait to fuck you." The raven responds, thrusting in once more before standing still, releasing his load.

     "HMM~" I hum loudly, cumming into the raven's hand as he continues to slowly pump it. Pulling out, his cum drips from my hole, making me feel weak in the legs.

     "I'm still hard, Atsu~," He says, whispering in my ear, nipping at the helix. Turning around and pressing my body against his, he grabs the back of my thigh and lifts my leg up. Grabbing the tip of his dick, he aligns himself up again with my hole, slowly pushing in.

     "Omi!" I shout into my hand to keep my voice from being heard.

     Within moments he starts thrusting in and out. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I help him by sliding down repeatedly, meeting his thrusts.

     After a few minutes, we've finished and cleaned up as much as we could. "Well, this is the best we could do," I mumble as Sakusa pulls out his phone and texts Iwaizumi to make sure the coast is clear to step out.

     "Cameras-" I deadpan, looking up at a pale raven.

     "FUCK! We're so getting suspended. Or maybe worse- expelled." Sakusa whines, making me laugh a little bit.

     "Not if I sneak into the principal's office and take the tape~," I say smugly, grabbing his attention.

     "Such a smart bee." He says before looking down at his phone. "Okay, it's clear." He then opens the door and peeks outside before exiting the room with me following. Peeking around his shoulder, I grin upon seeing a very disappointed-looking hedgehog.

     "I am never doing that again." He spits out, shaking his head.

     "Because you hate Atsumu?" Sakusa asks coldly. "What is your problem with him? He did nothing to you."

     "Maybe so but he-" Just as Iwaizumi was about to finish, I slap a hand over my mouth and run in the direction of the nearest bathroom. Sakusa quickly follows me as I enter the bathroom and run to the nearest stall, throwing up into the toilet.

     The raven quickly kneels down beside me and rubs my back in a circular motion.

     "Was it because we had sex?" He asks nervously, kissing my temple as a form of comfort. I shake my head in response before throwing up once again.

     After I'm finished throwing up, I glance over at him before leaning back against the wall of the stall.

     "No, it's just morning sickness. It can happen at any point during the day. Or that's what my mom said at least." I say shakily, recovering from just throwing up. (Pretend that symptoms of pregnancy can start as early as a week into it.)

     "You know... I wasn't so sure about having a baby. But I guess I was just overthinking that you'd leave me..." I mumble, earning a soft look from my boyfriend.

     "Not in a million years."


     "Dad?" I say nervously, peeking into my dad's study. He moves around the room quickly, trying to look for something. He looks up from his desk and stares at me worriedly. "What's wrong?"

     "He escaped, Atsumu, and he's sending death threats regarding you." He says hastily, running his hand through his hair in a stressful manner.

     "Who escaped?"

     "Remember the guy I mentioned a little over a week ago? Rayden Barnes?" He asks shakily. Whatever happened really has my dad on edge.

     "Uh, I think so, yes. You said that he was a serial killer and had recently killed someone someplace around my old school." I respond, stepping into his office and picking up papers before setting them down on his desk.

     "Um, don't panic but he's working with Kita. Rayden and Kita want you dead, and I don't know what to fucking do! They know that you now have a guard dog, they mentioned that in the letter. This means that they have been spying on us, you specifically."

     "I'm sorry, WHAT!?"

     "Your mother knows, she's at the police station talking with FBI agents about the situation." He says, sitting down and punching his desk before putting his face in his hands.

     "They know you're pregnant..." At this, I freeze and wrap my arms around my stomach protectively. "Call Sakusa over here, I need to tell him what's happening." He demands as I nod and grab my phone.

     Dialing Sakusa's number, it rings before he picks up.

     "Yes, my little baby bee?" At the nickname, my face falls red. My dad scowls before raising a brow at me.

     "Omi, something has happened. My dad wants you over here to discuss the situation."

     "Okay, I'll be there in 30 minutes."

     "Alright. I love you~"

     "I love you too Atsu. See you in a bit." He says before hanging up the phone. Putting my phone away, I sit down and lay my forehead on my dad's desk, a sigh escaping me.

     "Being pregnant... It feels weird. What was mom like when she was pregnant?" I ask, looking up at a flustered man.

     "Well, it was painful for her because she was carrying twins, not to mention hybrid twins. Carrying a hybrid is extremely painful as time progresses. Her hormones were out of wack, making her susceptible to emotional issues. Her cravings were downright disgusting, but overall, the cramps and back pain was the worst part of it. But that doesn't mean she didn't have any happy times."

     "T-That scares me. W-What if this baby is a hybrid?" I ask nervously, looking down at my belly.

     "It is a hybrid, Atsumu. A very powerful one... No doubt you're going to be in more pain than your mother was. But hey, think of it this way, Sakusa will be your beck and call. He'll do anything to keep you safe, happy, and protected."

     "Heh, I guess you're right. I was lucky to end up with someone like him. But when I start experiencing pain, can Sakusa stay here..? It's going to be summer soon." I mumble, not liking the thought of being separated from him for more than a day.

     The man sighs before nodding. "Yes, he can stay here."


     I pace around the living room nervously while my dad talks to Sakusa in his study. He got here about 10 minutes ago, and I'm starting to feel restless.

     A few moments pass before the door opens. I immediately rush over and hug the raven, tears welling in my eyes. My dad groans before speaking.

     "I didn't think the clinginess would start so early. It seems like he can't be away from you for more than a few minutes knowing that you're nearby. How do you deal with classes, Atsumu?" My dad asks curiously.

     "I don't. I suffer." I spit out as the raven places the palm of his hand on my belly while kissing me gingerly on the forehead.

     "As long as it's you, I don't mind clingy," Sakusa says, kissing me on the lips before looking at my dad who glares daggers at him. But Sakusa seems unaffected. "I'll protect him with my life."

     "That's what I like to hear." My dad responds, patting him on the shoulder before walking away toward the front door to greet my mom.

     Grabbing Sakusa's hand, I bring him to my room and close the door, locking it. Pushing him back to my bed, I gently press him down on it before sitting on his lap. "You're so thirsty aren't you?" He asks, leaning forward and nipping at my lips.

     "For you? Always~" 

𝐇𝐲𝐩𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐝 [𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮; 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐔]Where stories live. Discover now