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     "Be mine, Atsu. I know we just met a few days ago, but it feels like I've known you for a very long time." Sakusa whispers in my ear, nipping at it. I hum, pressing my body against his while nodding. (MoVeD a BiT fAsT, bUt LiKe SaKuAtSu. In all seriousness though, it should slow down around here. Keyword: Should.)

     "Let me mark you officially." He mumbles, pulling away.

     "H-How?" I ask shakily. Sakusa looks at my neck, giving me my answer. "Okay..."

     "I'll try not to hurt you. If it hurts, tell me and I'll pull away." The raven states before sinking his fangs into my teeth. I wince with a hiss, clutching onto the back of his shirt while trembling.

     Sinking down further, I slap a hand over my mouth to suppress a cry. And after a minute, he pulls away and licks the wound clean.

     Tears roll down my face as he grabs each side of it and plants his lips on mine. Whimpering, I snake my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss by letting him slip his tongue into my mouth.

     This is actually happening, it's not a dream...

     Grinding on him, he grunts. "Atsu, not yet." At this, a whine escapes me as I toss my head back.

     "Fine," I say, getting off of him and walking to a mirror in the bathroom. Inspecting my neck, I frown upon noticing that the mark will never fade. I guess I did give consent to him marking me.

     I'm not complaining though.

     Someone knocks at the door, grabbing my attention as I walk over and open it. I frown upon seeing Suna. Just as I was about to slam the door in his face, he places his foot in the doorway, preventing me from closing the door.

     "What do you want?" I ask venomously, not opening the door.

     "Osamu is forcing me to apologize." He says bluntly. Hearing this, Sakusa stands up and pulls me aside before fully opening the door.

     "He doesn't want some half-assed apology from you, Suna. Get lost." He spits out, closing the door in his face before turning around and hugging me tightly. I tremble violently, causing alarm for the raven.

     "What's wrong?" He asks nervously, letting go of me. I frown, launching myself into his arms. "Atsu?"

     "I tremble when I'm nervous," I respond, looking up at him just as he presses a kiss to my forehead. "Lips. Now," I demand with a pout. He chuckles, pressing his lips on mine in a short but gentle kiss.


     "What's that on your neck?" Osamu asks curiously, tilting his head with his eyes on my neck where Sakusa had bitten me.

     "Bug bite." At this, the raven glares at me with a scowl. I smile like an idiot, loving how he took offense to that.

     "It looks like teeth marks, Atsumu." My brother deadpans, my smile falling into a frown. Sakusa bends down and whispers in my ear.

     "Just tell him. There's nothing he can do to reverse it anyway." He says. I nod in response before clinging onto his left arm and leaning into him, laying my head on his shoulder.

     "Mind explaining this to me, Atsumu?" Osamu asks in a venomous tone. I gulp, debating the situation. Sakusa is right though, there's nothing anyone can do to reverse the marking. Once a devil has marked someone, that someone becomes their property, as terrible as that sounds.

     Looking around to see if anyone is listening, I let out a deep sigh and speak. "Sakusa marked me when we first met, but not officially. We made it official a bit ago... I belong to him." I say sternly.

     "Like hell, you're an object!" He whisper shouts, startling me as Sakusa pulls me behind him.

     "It's not like that at all. I know he isn't an object, it just basically means that he's my soulmate. There's no going back Osamu. So either deal with it or leave." Sakusa spits out.

     My brother groans before kicking over a potted plant. "Osamu!" The teacher shouts. "Over here, right now!" She demands. Osamu walks over with a permanent scowl on his face.

     Okay, yeah, I think it's safe to say that he's pissed off.

     A few of Sakusa's friends walk over, smiles on their faces. I have a class with each one of them so I know their names.

     "Ouuu what happened that has Osamu so mad? I wanna know." Tendou deadpans, his boyfriend chuckling.

     "We told him that I marked Atsumu," Sakusa states, looking down at me as I hide behind him. "So timid." At this, I frown and punch him in the shoulder.

     "Wait, so you two are a thing now?" Semi asks, hugging Shirabu from behind. (Istg I love SemiShira.)

     "Mhm." Sakusa hums, pressing his lips to my forehead. I hum in response, leaning further into him as he throws an arm around my shoulder. "We made the marking official, hence the bite mark on his neck. He called it a bug bite."

     Oikawa slaps a hand over his mouth to keep himself from laughing, as do the others. The only one who isn't laughing is Iwaizumi who is currently glaring daggers at me.

     What'd I ever do to him? He's being childish.

     "Lay off Iwaizumi or else I will drop-kick your ass all the way back home." Sakusa spits out. The hedgehog gulps, looking away as Oikawa looks up at him worriedly.

     "Anyway... How does it feel being the soulmate of a legendary devil?" Shirabu asks curiously.

     "It feels nice... Especially knowing that I'm protected." I say with a frown, earning worried looks from the others except for Iwaizumi. What did I do to him..? Why does he hate me so much?

     He's making me feel as though I'm of little importance to Sakusa.

     "Atsu baby? You okay?" Sakusa asks.

     "I'm fine, Omi," I respond, standing in front of him and digging my face into the crook of his neck. "Just tired," I add, closing my eyes and inhaling his scent. I feel so safe in his arms.

     "Okay everyone, we're going to go exploring! You have a choice to stay here, go to the pool, or come with us to explore the forest!" The teacher shouts, grabbing everyone's attention as we look over.

     "What do you want to do, Atsu?" The raven asks, looking down at me. "We can stay here so you can sleep. We have 2 days to ourselves." He says.

     "I want to stay here with you and.." I mumble, subtly tugging at his belt while looking up at him with pleading eyes. He smirks devilishly, wrapping his arms around me tightly and kissing me deeply.

     "We'll see you guys later," Sakusa says hurriedly, dragging me back up to our room. Upon entering, he slams the door shut and locks it. He removes his shirt as I do the same while backing up toward the bed.


     Pushing me down on it, Sakusa removes his belt and tosses it to the ground before unbuttoning his pants and stepping out of them.

     "Hngh~" I hum, loving the sight in front of me. He grabs my pants and tugs them down along with my boxers, leaving me naked in front of him. I squeak, placing my hands on my face to hide from the embarrassment.

     "Baby, don't shy away from me..." Sakusa mumbles, removing my hands and looking into my eyes. I nod shakily as he removes his boxers as well. Before I know it, he has my legs spread apart.

     Leaning forward toward his bag, he pulls out a bottle of lube and a condom. I grab his hand and shake my head. "I- I don't want you to have a condom on. It's not like I can get pregnant..." (ABOUT THAT-)

     Sakusa before nodding. "Alright." 

𝐇𝐲𝐩𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐝 [𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮; 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐔]Where stories live. Discover now