
451 23 1

A t s u m u

     "OMI! OMI COME HERE PLEASE!" I shout from my bedroom. Within seconds, Sakusa runs into the room, nearly busting the door off its hinges. "Jeez- didn't expect you to bust in like that- but come here!" I say happily, tears welling in my eyes.

     "What is it?" He asks worriedly, rushing over to my side.

     "I feel movement, and it's the baby," I mumble, looking down at my belly with teary eyes. I grab Sakusa's hand and place it on my belly. His eyes narrow in concentration before they fly wide open.

     I chuckle, tears flowing down my face as he looks over at me. "That's the baby?" He asks in disbelief.


Sakusa leans forward and presses a kiss to my lips, the kiss gradually becoming deeper as the seconds tick by. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer. Shaded In by Filous plays from my phone beside me, my favorite part of the song currently playing towards the end. (I fucking love that song.)

     "You're so lucky Mila helped with your healing," Sakusa says coldly into my mouth, sucking on my tongue.

     "G-Go close the door and lock it," I demand as he pulls away to go close the door and lock it. On his way back, he removes his shirt and tosses it to the side with a devilish smirk on his face.

     "And now you're going to wish you held back from saying that." He spits out smugly, pulling my shorts down. "Wearing nothing underneath, are we? Makes it easier for me~"


     "You fuckers. We had to put headphones on so we couldn't hear Atsumu moaning." Rei says coldly as I chuckle nervously.

     "You don't have to point it out..." I mumble, grabbing her attention as she looks over with a frown.

     "Sorry, I shouldn't have said anything." She says just as Sakusa walks into the living room.

     "Yeah, you shouldn't have said anything. Learn to keep your goddamn mouth shut. It's my fault he was so loud." He spits out with an eye roll, catching his dad's attention.

     "Don't speak to your sister like that Kiyoomi," Dylan says in a warning tone.

     "If she upsets my mate, she's going to get the horns." The raven says, tapping his forehead. I sigh shakily, walking in front of Sakusa and placing my hands on his shoulders while looking into his eyes to calm him down.

     "Enough..." I mutter. He sighs, kissing me on the temple before walking away to the kitchen to grab me bottled water.

     Walking over to the couch, I sit beside Osamu who looks at me worriedly. "Are you doing okay? You seem a bit off." He says as I place my hands on my belly and smile softly at the light kicks.

     "Yeah, I'm fine," I respond as Sakusa walks back into the living room and hands me some water. I wince while grabbing it, a sharp pain in my stomach. This catches my mother's attention.

     "It's starting again. Himari, Rei, go get some of those painkillers that the doctor prescribed him." She says, rushing to my side as Osamu gets up and walks over to our dad.

     "It hurts..." I mutter, wincing with a hiss. My breathing begins to quicken, causing alarm for my mate as he quickly sits down beside me and pulls me into him. Soft cries begin to escape me at the pain.

     "Here." Himari says, handing my mom the painkillers. Taking the painkillers with the water Sakusa gave to me, they quickly take affect right as they enter my body.

𝐇𝐲𝐩𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐝 [𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮; 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐔]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora