
999 37 16

     Waking up, I shoot up and look around frantically before my eyes set on Suna and Mila. Just as I hold onto Suna tightly, the raven speaks from behind.

     "Tsk. Pathetic. This is what happens to spoiled brats like you... I can't believe I actually pitied you." He says, beginning to laugh a little. Avery just looks down, as does her boyfriend Itsuki.

     Instead of answering, I cry into Suna's shoulder, clutching onto him tightly. "Shhh... It's okay.." He mumbles, rubbing my back up and down in a soothing motion.

     "Atsumu." The teacher says, walking over and kneeling down as I pull my face away from my friend's shoulder. "You can go again if you truly wish to. I can put something on him so he can't use his powers other than his physical abilities."

     At this, I slowly stop crying and nod, standing up.

     "Cry baby." Sakusa states with a smirk. Shaking my head, I wipe away the tears and shift. My form is larger than it was before, around 6'4 from the paws to the withers. In response to this sudden change, the raven gulps.

     "Holy mother of god..." Avery mumbles, being pulled back by her boyfriend. Confused, I look toward my friends, their eyes widened out of pure shock.

     Why does everyone look surprised? Do I not look right?

     Sensing my confusion, Mila walks up and looks into my eyes. "Atsumu, you've reached your full potential." She says, causing me to look down and notice a black lightning-like pattern all over my body.

     Looking up, I lock my gaze on the raven who transforms into his beastly devil form. Mila backs up to Suna, watching me intently as I snarl at the man.

     Black tears stream down his face, dripping onto the grass as his eyes are completely white. "Bring it on mutt." He spits out in a deep and cold voice, one that sends shivers down my spine.

     I'm so going to be the one killing him.

     "Okay, go ahead boys." The teacher says, gesturing to everyone to back up even further. With everyone at a good distance, I lunge forward just as Sakusa tries to grab onto my scruff.

     Ducking, I bite down on his leg and pull him down before stepping on his chest with one paw and keeping him pinned. Before I can do anything, I'm punched in the face, causing me to feel a little woozy as I hop off of him and shake my head.

     "Come on Sakusa, you can do better than that!" Iwaizumi shouts which earns a glare from the raven.

     Taking this opportunity to strike, I charge forward using my hind legs and point my snout down, my horns piercing through his body. Black blood drips down my horns just before I throw him into the wall.

     Choking on his own blood as I near. I quickly end his life by biting down on his neck and snapping it.

     Looking up, I howl before breathing out a pillar of blue flames. Becoming a whirlwind of burning flame, I lower my head as the pillar slowly disappears. Smoke rises from my open nose and nostrils.

     My eyes are now blue with black slits as pupils. Shifting, everything goes back to normal as Kenma rushes over to Sakusa and slides to his knees on the grass. Kuroo, Avery, Itsuki, and Iwaizumi follow Kenma so they can be around when the raven wakes up.

     Once he shifts back into his normal form, he gasps and sits up, looking around frantically while clutching onto his shirt.

     "UgH sO pAtHeTiC." I mock him, earning laughter from Suna and a slap upside the head by Mila. "Abuser!" I whine, placing my hands on the back of my head.

𝐇𝐲𝐩𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐝 [𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮; 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐔]Where stories live. Discover now