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     "Graduation is tomorrow," Shirabu says nervously, getting hugged tightly by Semi. "It's making me nervous..."

     "Why?" I ask curiously, Sakusa throwing an arm around my shoulder and pulling me into him.

     "Social anxiety..." The copperhead responds shakily before speaking again. "It gets worse when I have to stand in front of a lot of people even for a second. I asked the principal if Semi could walk up with me and he said yes, so I guess it won't get to me as much."

     "I'm sorry you deal with that stuff, it must be exhausting," I mumble, the inner corners of my eyebrows turned upward. I can't even imagine what social anxiety even feels like.

     But I don't want to find out for myself.

     "It is. Especially when you're forced to do something you don't want to do. When I have to speak in front of class, I get really nervous and usually end up stumbling over my own words." Shirabu responds.

     "I remember that one time you actually ended up fainting..." At Oikawa's statement, Semi snaps his attention to his boyfriend in worry.

     "You fainted?" He asks.

     "Mhm... I was doing a presentation with Oikawa, and I fainted... Fell over and hit my head." The copperhead says nervously. "B-But enough about that... Where's Iwaizumi?"

     "Outside. I..." Oikawa mumbles, trembling lightly.

     "You what?" Ushijima asks.

     "I'm debating on breaking up with him. The way he treats you Atsumu- I can't bear to see him hurt one of my friends. This morning... It was heartbreaking to hear what he did." The brunette says, nervousness in his voice.

     "Why does he hate Atsumu so much?" Tendou asks curiously, tilting his head ever so slightly.

     "He's jealous of him. Atsumu took his best friend away, and we all know he's very possessive over his friends and boyfriend." Kuroo pitches in, taking a bite of his food.

     "But why try killing Atsumu when he knows that he's pregnant? What kind of person does that when they don't know how it'll affect the baby?" Osamu mumbles angrily.

     "I'm going to talk to him," I say, getting up from my seat and beginning to walk outside. I would have if it wasn't for Sakusa grabbing my wrist and yanking me back.

     "No." He deadpans, making me frown down at him.

     "Please Omi, it's not like he's stupid enough to try killing me..." I mutter, gulping. Actually, I wouldn't put it past him at this point.

     "...He is stupid enough and if he really does hate you, he WILL try killing you. If you insist on going, I'll go with you to make sure you're safe." He says, standing up and looking down at me. Curse the height difference. (Sorry lmao, I'm a sucker for tall x short.)

     "No, that'll only provoke him. If I go alone, he'll feel a little more comfortable." I say softly, placing my hand on the raven's cheek and looking into his eyes. "I'll be okay."

     "Fine... But if anything happens to you, I'm killing him and making sure he stays dead." The raven spits out, sitting back down. Kissing him on the cheek, I mutter a thank you before walking out of the cafeteria.

     Looking around after exiting the building, I spot Iwaizumi standing by himself while looking up at the clouds. His fists are in his jean pockets.

     "Stop staring. It's creepy." He deadpans, not looking at me.

     Walking over, I sit on the bench behind him and look down at my fiddling fingers. "Do you mind telling me why you hate me so much?" I ask nervously as he looks away from the clouds and turns around, looking down at me.

𝐇𝐲𝐩𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐝 [𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮; 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐔]Where stories live. Discover now