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note: Old reader might be confused to find that some of the part,about 60/100 are rewritten,tbh when i wrote this the first time i rushed it so much that the emotional impact i planned disappointed, I'm sure it does for all you too, y'all are just too kind to confront me about it(thank you btw🥲) but i feel like you all deserve to read the best my pathetic writing skills can create and not just some halfassed shit and that's exactly why i rewrote it, I'm still not even near being the best writer but i will try my hardest to bring you the best,i love you all so much😭💕


It been a month since Jungwon's departure,Sunoo and Sunghoon has been looking after Jay but weirdly he seems fine,too fine actually

They say "don't act tough" but Jay would just laugh and say "it's nothing guys I'm totally okay"

But they are not convinced,no one would be fine after that

Jay stayed with them for a while before his fathers secretary found him and announced that his father and mother died on a business trip

He was a bit sadden by that fact but those people is not that close with him,they might be his birth parent but they doesn't deserve to be called his parents

The secretary came to him because no one else is there to inherit his father's business

At first he declined saying he doesn't want anything to do with the business but Sunoo and Sunghoon managed to convince him

They told him to accept it as a way to keep his minds off things,after some heavy convincing,he finally accepted the offer

So he has been working as a new ceo,rumors says his father is haunting some place

It actually works as he's always busy,he has no time to think about Jungwon

But things went downward as Jay underwent a change

He became cold and distant

He doesn't talk to his friends anymore

When they tried to get him out,he would push them away saying "I'm busy right now"

But his friends understand,this is his way of coping

But they can't let Jay be all alone

So they tried and tried and tried again

But still nothing works,it just seems to get worse and worse

But what they didn't know is that Jay has been going to the building that was previously the del luna,it was now an abandoned hotel, he'd went up the rooftop and stayed there all night,talking to the moon

He'd cry by himself and sometimes would laugh

It went on for a long time,he missed Jungwon so much that it is killing him

And now it's been about 5 months since Jungwon left

It's the day of Sunoo's graduation

Sunoo invited Jay saying "if you don't come I'll kill you" he might really kill Jay too

The graduation ceremony ends and still Jay doesn't come,Sunoo was sad but Sunghoon reassures him

"We'll just try harder" Sunghoon smiled at him

As they turned to go home,they saw Jay walking toward them with a bouquet in his arm and a big smile on his face,but one look at it is enough to know how hard it must have been to keep just an empty smile

"Congratulations Sun" he says

Sunoo cannot control his sobs as he ran toward him and punch his stomach,but hug him right afterwards "i thought you wouldn't come" he says

𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐋 𝐋𝐔𝐍𝐀 » JaywonWhere stories live. Discover now