[12🌙] Euphoria

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"How did you know?"

"Because i saw him in my dreams" Sunoo said

"How are you so sure?"

"Because i remembered him, it's not just a dream and I don't know what to do" He said looking away many thoughts went through his mind

If Sunghoon is the prince then what is he supposed to do?

And he had to find out why the prince left him right when he needed him most

if he hasn't left Dongsun and Jungwon wouldn't had to die

"Sunoo i know you want to remember fully first but i think you should tell your brother now, he's the only one who could help" Jay cast him a glance staring at the fidgeting boy

"You're right i need to tell him"

And so here they found themselves staring at the hotel which seemed to came to life seeing the rays of moonlight hitting the earth

It is majestic

The great sign board with the message 'Del luna' shoned brightly so all lost souls would be able to find it and get the rest they so deserves

"Where's Jungwon?"Jay asked Nicholas

"The usual and who's this cutie?" Nicho winked at Sunoo flirtatiously

"I wouldn't do that if i were you" Jay warned


"Jungwon will strangle you to death"

Jay grabbed Sunoo by his hand, guiding him through the hall

He's nervous and incredibly tense

Who wouldn't be afraid to tell their Past life brother that they remember him?

But that doesn't change the fact that he is a bit excited

He can finally tell his brother,the one he missed very much and loved very much

They went through the door of the rooftop to see Jungwon staring up at the moon

"Go I'll be here"Jay whispered

Sunoo nodded and slowly walked toward Jungwon

"Hyung?" He called and hearing this Jungwon looked his way

He gasped , not expecting to see Sunoo this late

"What are you doing here?" He asked as softly as he could

"I need to talk to you" Sunoo said nervously

Jungwon hummed inviting Sunoo to go on

"Umhh?ah i-its"Sunoo hesitated feeling the nervousness taking him over

"Sunoo it's okay you can say anything you want to me"Jungwon assured

And Sunoo got an idea in his mind,a brilliant one

"I had a song please listen to it for me"Sunoo said smiling a bit

"Okay" Jungwon returned the smile

"H-Hush,my baby,you who shine like the brightest star~"

As soon as he heard that Jungwon felt like something had hit him

Tears swelled up in his eyes the melodious song that flowed out of Sunoo lips

A Melody only he and his brother knew of

A song he would sing when his brother can't fall asleep

"Bid this cruel reality goodnight
And rest those w-weary eyes" Sunoo continued despite being choked up by his own words

He had to finish this for his brother

"Maybe In dreamland you'll find euphoria" one last verse and it's done Sunoo thought

But when he tried the lyric disappeared from his mind

And now here he stood eyes wide, embarrassment filled him over as he felt a tear fell down

"I-i" he felt sorry,sorry he couldn't finish

"And when you wake up,fear not I'll be right here beside you
Keeping y-you safe from all evil" he heard from in-front

He looked up toward Jungwon and saw that Jungwon is staring at him with a smile and his eyes are relentlessly watering

He finally let it all out

"H-Hyung"Sunoo ran toward him and sobbed in his arm

"Sun you're finally here"Jungwon whispered he too cried hugging his brother

"Yes I'm here, I'm never leaving you again"Sunoo wailed his emotions bursting

"I'll never leave you too"


Seeing Sunoo with his pinky pointing out Jungwon smiled as he intertwined his pinky with his

"I promise"

Short again😩💕

Bye for now,see you soon😚💕

𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐋 𝐋𝐔𝐍𝐀 » JaywonWhere stories live. Discover now