[6🌙] A smile under the moonlight

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"Hyungg" A boy shout excited to see his older brother

He ran toward him and hugged his brother

"You miss me Sun?" The other boy said

The two brothers were separated by their parents who despite being their birth-parents treat them unequally

The older brother who was named Yang Jungwon was a trouble maker, he's famous for bringing trouble everywhere he went

And on the other hand

The younger brother,one might even say,is the literal personification of sunlight itself,he brings warmth everywhere he go

That's why the King himself wants him to marry his son,the prince

That's why their parents treat Dongsun like he's a treasure,well he is, Jungwon's main reason of living

Their parents want Dongsun to be the perfect human being,they controlled everything he does,what he wore,what he eat,and how he lived

In other words he is trapped,a living puppet

But despite the harsh reality,they found freedom in each other,they loved each other and would do everything for each other

"You don't know how much i miss you" Dongsun said burying his face on his Brothers shoulder

"Dongsun stand properly!"they heard a harsh voice coming from behind them causing Dongsun to abruptly jump back forced to take the most suitable posture

"And you what are you doing here?i told you to come back only once your job is done" their father said who then began grabbing Dongsun by the arms making the latter squal in discomfort

Jungwon saw the glint of tears forming in his brothers eyes

He knew his father is like this because he's here so he decided to back off

Because if he's here his little brother will only see how dark this world can get and he just can't bear to allow that,no he's too precious for that

"Bye Sun" he waved and went on his way

Jungwon woke up from his sleep, sunlight hitting his face signalling it's time to wake up

He smile remembering his dreams

"I promise I'll make you happy at least in this life" he muttered to himself


"WHATT!?" A loud voice is heard in the office of Jungwon

"Keep your voice down Park Jongseong" Jungwon ordered rubbing his temple

"I know you miss him but I can't just ask my friends boyfriend to see me" Jay argued

Jungwon had asked Jay to arrange a meeting between him and Sunoo causing Jay to make such a scene

"Does he even remember you?" Jay asked leaving Jungwon dumbfounded

A minute passed by and Jungwon had stayed silent

Jay felt bad for saying such things

"I'll think about it" He finally said causing Jungwon to look up in pure delight

Seeing Jungwon this happy made Jay smile

He went to finish his other tasks for the day

On his way he met Hanbin who came to him looking out of breath

𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐋 𝐋𝐔𝐍𝐀 » JaywonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora