[7🌙]A life in exchange for a smile

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"I haven't told anyone about my story so will you please listen to it?"Jungwon face his way,a smile gracing his face but his eyes shows sorrow

"Mmm"Jay hummed as a signal to go on

"I was once a selfish and prideful kid" Jungwon starts as he wonders down memory lane


"Jungwon that is mine,give it back" Said a boy who's angry because Jungwon took his toy

"Nah finders-keepers"Jungwon sneer

"I'm telling my parents"the boy ran away crying

"What a loser"

"What's this shit anyway?"He questions as he take a look at the toy he was holding

Intending to throw it away a sudden thought came to his mind

'he would like it'

And he walks toward the direction where the person who came to his mind is at

He reached a hut made out of straws and got inside

A boy is peacefully sleeping,one hand holding a flower

He quietly steps toward him scared he might woke the boy

He sat beside him staring at the boy's face adoringly

The boy squirmed in his sleep,his eyelids fluttering open

His lips rised into a smile as soon as he saw Jungwon

"Hey Hyung" He said as he rubs the sleepiness away

"You're up,sun?"Jungwon asked as he watch Dongsun getting up to greet him properly

"Uhmm" the boy nods

"What're you doing here?"

"Oh!i came to give you this"Jungwon showed him the toy

"Really! It's so cutee!thank you Hyung" He squealed as he reached for the toy taking it in his hands and hugging it with content

Jungwon smiled seeing his younger brother so happy

"I need to go or else our parents will see me"Jungwon said as he got up

"Hyung...."Dongsun tried but he's choked up, he's sad for his Hyung who can't even come home

"It's okay,as long as you're happy" He said as he left the hut

Seeing Dongsun Smile is enough for him to get through the day so he went towards the house where his parents sent him to work as a servant

The day went fast with works piling up and now it's nighttime

Jungwon went toward the place he usually stayed at when he can't sleep

It was a big tree which provide shade under it

He laid on the ground looking up at the moon

The bright glow of the moon lighting up his surrounding and a faint breeze kissing his face from time to time

It is peaceful

He closed his eye wanting to rest but a thought suddenly came to mind

It wasn't anything pleasent

It was as if someone out there is warning him that something terrible is going to happen

So he ran,he ran toward the person whose face appeared on his mind

Because he saw his brother lifelessly laying inside the hut they built

When he arrived to the house he heard a scream coming from inside

𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐋 𝐋𝐔𝐍𝐀 » JaywonWhere stories live. Discover now