[19🌙]'Til the end of my life

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"JONGSEONG!!!" Jungwon rushed inside Jay's room, tumbling on the way a bit

"Omg what?what happened?" Jay sprang up from his bed frantically looking around to see any danger

"HELP ME"Jungwon yelled right at his face

"How?"Jay asked right away,his became nervous

"I'm really in trouble this time"Jungwon added

"Just tell me Wonie"calm and collected just like his nanny used to tell him

"Sunoo asked me to take him and Sunghoon out as an apology and I don't know what to do"


"Don't just say oh this is serious I don't know anything about the outside world"Jungwon yelled yet again

"Okok don't worry i know just what to do but first pls get out"Jay told him and Jungwon finally saw that Jay is just in his nightwear

"Oh!" He ran out quickly


"Where are we going?"he asked Jay as he followed him to the garage

"You will know soon"Jay just told him smirking a bit

"I already told Sunoo where to come,i guess they'll be there before us"


"I know, you'll never find a better manager than me"Jay joked as they got inside the car

Jungwon didn't reply because he himself knew what Jay just said is correct,Jay has been not just his manager but his comfort and his rock too,he finds it weird how he easily trust Jay to show his side he had never shown to anyone and he's glad he did

Because Jay made him feel safe and comforted with him he feels loved and wanted


"HYUNGGG!!!" As they arrived they heard a boy shout at them

Jungwon got outside the car and gaze around the place Jay had took them

An amusement park,a big one at that,Jungwon has always wanted to go there

As he was busy gazeing around,something hit him

"Hyung i love it"he heard and a giggle followed

"Really? I'm glad you like it Sun"he stated as he looked at Jay with contentment in his face

"Let's go?"Sunoo asked him excitedly

"You and Sunghoon go first I'll come with Jay"Jungwon told him "okayy~"Sunoo ran inside,pulling Sunghoon with him

"This place...."Jungwon is speechless as he tried to talk when Jay got near him

"Do you like it?my nanny used to take me here all the time" He stated as he take a look around too

"Thank you"he heard and he looked toward Jungwon who's still looking at him with appreciation in his eyes "you're welcome" he returned the smile

They got inside too and looked around all the people here,who had the same smile on each of their faces,the sun shining down on them but no one cared because they're happy

It's the perfect weather for an amusement park anyway

They looked around looking for a ride to enjoy

"Hyung come here!"Sunoo called and they walk towards him "let's take this ride" he said as he points toward the roller coaster

Jungwon flinched a bit,looking at the big ride he's heart beats faster

"Are you okay?"Jay asked "yeah just nervous"

"Don't worry I'll hold your hands"Jay told him as he took his hand in his

"Ok"he agreed as he hold him tighter

They got on the ride sitting side by side hands still joined,the ride moved slowly

"This is fine"Jungwon said cockily

"Wait for it"Jay knowingly said to Jungwon

"For what?" Oblivious of what's gonna happen next,he asked but he have no time for an answer as the ride drop with mad speed

The force of the speed so great Jungwon have never experienced something like it

He screamed for dear life,holding onto Jay tighter and tighter

Sunoo from the front turned toward him and laughed at his hyung behaviour

"FUN?RIGHT"Sunoo screamed his voice being carried away by the wind


Jungwon continued screaming the rest of the ride

The ride finally came to an end, Jungwon crawl out,his energy depleted from all the screaming

"Hyung come"Sunoo said as he grabbed him and ran toward another ride

Forcing him to ride all the things

Jungwon swear Sunoo is punishing him and he have no energy to even fight him off

The day continued with Jungwon screaming and the other laughing at his behaviour

And now the sun is on the horizon, preparing for the moon to take over,letting out a golden hue before it completely disappeared for the day

"I'm gonna puke"Jungwon stated as he lay down on the ground

"Wait wait that's dirty"Jay quickly pulled him up , supporting his body

"Take me home"Jungwon begged

"No"Jay snickered at the poor boy

"Oh i know where we can go"Jay had an idea


"The ferris wheel, it's peaceful"

"Okay let's go"

Jay took Jungwon the the ferris wheel and got inside one of the booth

They sat down ready for the machine to move

"You can even see the sunset"Jay enthusiastically claimed

"You're really enjoying this,huh?"Jungwon asked him,seeing Jay acting like a child

"Umhh"Jay nods

"You said your nanny used to take you?"

"Yeah, she's really nice and she took me everywhere, she's practically my mother"Jay laughed at the memories

"She must have been really good to you"

"Yeah,i miss her,really, I haven't seen her since i ran away"Jay looked out the window toward the setting sun thinking about what his nanny would be doing right now

"I know she misses you too Jay"


The calm and tranquil ambiance ,save from the noise of excitement down the ground and the sun setting on the distance is really beautiful

Comfortable silence engulf them as they watch the setting sun

"How nice it would be to have a normal life"Jungwon breathe out

"Yeah,free from all bad thing,just peacefully existing"Jay added

"I would exchange anything to have that"Jungwon said

"Don't worry Wonie, I'll make sure you have that"Jay promised

Jungwon know it's impossible for him but he smiled,hearing Jay saying that melt his heart

"I'll trust you but promise me you'll be there with me,always"Jungwon asked

"I promise, I'll stay with you til the end of my life"

Finally after a long time my brain provided enough for a long chapter😭🤸

Istg this story is literally the forgotten child

Anyways please vote and comment to make yours truly smile☺️

𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐋 𝐋𝐔𝐍𝐀 » JaywonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang