[9🌙] To make him Happy

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He scream as he made contact with a wall as he was being thrown

Whining a bit at the stinging pain he looked around to find whoever had thrown him

But regret filled him as he saw a woman dressed in a tattered white clothing

Her face pale and sickly,black substance coming out from her mouth and her eyes completely black

He's terrified to say the least,he started trembling

Yeah he loves watching Horror movies but nothing he had seen come close to this

Sunoo froze on the spot,minutes away from fainting

He remain frozen even as the woman came crawling to him slowly and horrifyingly

And just as she's about to reach him the door flew open revealing Jungwon standing there with one arm on air

He literally levitated over,grabbing the horrifying woman by the neck and pining her on the wall

Sunoo looked at Jungwon and he isn't sure whether who to be scared of

The women or Jungwon

Because what he see and feel is enough to tell him that Jungwon is ready to rip anyone apart

Jay ran inside quickly grabbing Sunoo and running out with him, closing the door as he ran

"H-hyung" It came out softly like a whine

"Sunoo are you fine?"Jay checked him up searching for any injuries

"I-i'm ok"Sunoo whispered not feeling the impact earlier just yet

"I sent Riki away don't worry"Jay told him as he hugged Sunoo

"But what is that?"Sunoo asked

Jay isn't really sure what to tell him but since Sunoo already saw her,heck he saw Jungwon flying,he can't lie to him right now so he decided to be honest

"A ghost" He replied


"But what about Jungwon? he's inside there but....."Sunoo's word fell because he recalled Jungwon pining the ghost on the wall

"Don't worry about him"

"It's not him I'm worrying about"

"What do you mean?" Jay is caught off guard by Sunoo

"Is he going to kill her?"Sunoo asked Jay tears already filling his eyes for some season

"...yeah" and soon they heard a shriek coming from inside, it's not Jungwon's,the voice belong to a women

"I have to go in"Sunoo said as he prepare himself to rush inside causing Jay to panic

"What?why?"Jay asked as he grabbed the running Sunoo

"Because she's crying"

Jay saw a tear fell down his face as he lets him go, because he himself doesn't want Jungwon to kill anyone

Sunoo barged into the room and saw Jungwon touching the woman stomach , burning her slowly,a smile on his face

"You had the nerve to touch my brother" He heard coming out from Jungwon bitterly

He rushed to them, slapping Jungwon's hand away

"GET AWAY!" he yelled as Jungwon jumped back he's eyes widened as he's surprised

"Wait Sunoo get away from her"He frantically said

"No,You get away from her she doesn't deserve this"Sunoo argued as he helped the woman get up

"What?i have to kill her"

"I've told you,you shouldn't kill anyone right?"Sunoo said as he stared at Jungwon's eye

And it left Jungwon frozen, because Sunoo haven't ever said that to him,but Dongsun does

So he calmed himself down and agreed to Sunoo

"Are you hurt?"Sunoo asked the woman, she's horrifying to look at but Sunoo gulped down the fear

"I-i"the women tried but failed

"It's okay you're safe"Sunoo assured

"She's dangerous she already hurt people"Jungwon said again

"I-i didn't"the woman said desperation in her voice

"Explain?"Sunoo softly asked

"I-i just tried getting close to them,and they were scared so they hurt themselves from the shock, I didn't mean any harm"the woman cried a little bit,hurt from the accusations

"But why do you try to get close to them?"Jungwon questioned eyes still on her as she might try to make a move

"I-i just"her word faltered, choking up on air

"It's alright,just tell us, we'll understand"Sunoo speak softly to her again calming her down

"I miss my son so much......that's why i tried getting close to those boys,my son, he's just a young man and i left him, I..-his mother left him alone"the woman said as she cried on Sunoo's arm

"...and that's why you tried getting close to me"Sunoo speak sadness coating his words, pitying the poor woman

He felt ashamed and regretful as they almost killed a woman who just missed her son

"You're about the same age as him,and handsome"the woman added

"You know you can't see him right?what would he think if he saw his mother like this?he would've already thought you rest peacefully, imagine how sad he would be if he saw you like this"

"I-i'm sorry"the woman sobbed

"It's okay, I'm sure your son would miss you too but it's for the best,by the way who wouldn't be scared of you if you look like this?"Sunoo joked attempting to lift the mood

"I guess you're right"it succeeded as the woman laugh heartily

The woman appearance changed, contrasting the scary look before,now she's beautiful

"You have to follow me to the hotel"Jungwon ordered as he turned around leaving the place

Sunoo ran after him "hyung wait"

He grabbed Jungwon by the hand and stop him

They faced each other Jungwon staring right at him

"I-uhhh Thank you"Sunoo thanked him

"Mhmm"Jungwon patted his head

They got outside, followed by the woman,Jay got close to them

"Everything's fine right?"He asked Jungwon

"Yeah it's fine"

And Jungwon continued walking, wanting to leave the place quickly

"Jungwon,go on ahead i need to speak with Sunoo"Jay told him and he just nods,then he left with the woman

Jay told Sunoo to follow him to the rooftop to talk

They made sure no one is here before speaking

"What you said down there..."Jay start still thinking how he should ask this

"So you found out?" Sunoo sigh,looking at Jay smiling innocently

"Really?are you for real?"

"Uhmm"Sunoo nods


"It started since my childhood,i kept having flashbacks and dreams"

"That's great we should tell him"excitedly saying but Sunoo had other plans

"No, let's wait until i remember them all"Sunoo said

"I-if that's what you want"Jay said and continue"wow this's crazy"

"I know right"

"Then hurry up and remember all of them to make Jungwon happy ok?"

"Or should i say,to make your brother happy,Yang Dongsun"

𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐋 𝐋𝐔𝐍𝐀 » JaywonWhere stories live. Discover now