[22🌙]Story of Jaebeom

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"Well that's how i died"Daniel says with a sigh ,"Hanbin-hyung your turn" he urge

"Oh! Me, there's nothing much to say i died of natural cause" Hanbin wave his hand in dismissal

"Disease?"Jay asks

"Yeah"Hanbin nods

"That's sad"Daniel mumbled as he looks at Hanbin

"Yeah really sad right?" He scoots closer to Daniel and pat his head staring at him with a sad gaze

"But to be honest i think nows more fun,to be a ghost"Hanbin once again says as he think of the privilege of being a ghost,like being invisible

"Yeah we can scare people"Daniel adds enthusiastically

"Hahahaha"Jay laughed at the silly exchange

"How about you Jaebeom-hyung?"Daniel shout to Jaebeom to sits just a distance away

"Huh?" He shouts back as he walk towards them

"We're just talking about how we died"Daniel says "how about you?"

"Oh!i don't really like to talk about it"Jaebeom hesitate

"Ohhh hyung don't worry we're family"Daniel pushes

"Dani stop"Hanbin warns

"But it's all in the past though it's fine just tell us please"Daniel pushes further not knowing how depressing and dark death can be to someone,maybe because he's still only a kid

"Daniel i said stop"Hanbin warns again with a strict voice now,"yes it's okay if he wants to keep it a secret"Jay adds

"Hmp what's wrong with being curious?"Daniel cross his finger like a child not receiving his favourite treats

"Dani-...."Hanbin tries but he's cut off

"I killed myself"Jaebeom starts as he looks away

"Jaebeom you don't have to"Nicho came beside him,Jay nods agreeing with Nicho

"No i think I'm ready now"Jaebeom smiles at Nicho

"Ever since i was a little kid,i never have any friends, I'm an antisocial kid with act feminine,they says,so they kept their distance from me"Jaebeom says smiling a bit

"But i have no problem with it because I'm content with just being by myself,i would always dream about random things, it's kinda fun,but then at the start of high school,i met someone,my very first friend, he's so friendly and nice, completely my opposite"

"But he's so perfect that the others started hating him, they'd talk bad about him,made him feel ugly,they would throw things at him and sometimes even physically hurts him"

"He's my first friend so i decided to take action,i defended him from them,but me being myself,they started bullying me instead,my friend moved to another city due to his parents job and I'm happy for him,but the bullying never ends,it kept getting worse and worse,to the point i decided to take my own life"

"Yeah,i- i took my own life"Jaebeom choked on his words

"Oh my god I'm so sorry Hyung"Daniel apologise for being insensitive

"N-no it's okay"Jaebeom says

"You don't deserve that"Hanbin tells him as he hugs him

"We're really sorry for that"Jay adds

"Don't be sorry i got you all now,my new family"Jaebeom smiles at them

"True,and we're not going anywhere without you"Nicho says

I'd like to use this chance to say something to all my readers with suicidal thoughts or depression, you're precious, you're not worth nothing and you're not alone,as hard as live might be you're strong enough to get through anything, you're beautiful and you're born in this world for something great nothing less

So smile,sunshines

𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐋 𝐋𝐔𝐍𝐀 » JaywonWhere stories live. Discover now