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From the pov of Jaebeom

"It seems Jay has visitors" Hanbin says as they spied the quest from behind a door

"Yeah" Jaebeom watch as they talked carefree,free from anything,full of life, he's a little bit jealous

"Should we greet them?" Daniel asks

"No dumbo,and by the way they can't even see us,they can see Jungwon just because he lets them"Hanbin hissed

Jaebeom laugh at them

"Well I'm going" he says as he turns around to continue his day

"Wait is that Jungwon little brother?"Daniel points out,this grabbed Jaebeoms interest so he turns around yet again to take a look at him

"Where?"he asks since there's more than one people

"The one sitting next to Jungwon, with that handsome boy with a beauty mark on his nose sitting with him" Jaebeom eyes darted toward the people

A boy in a hoodie, oversized Jaebeom notes sat there smiling at the conversation, weirdly he seems familiar, something about him just seems familiar

"Sunoo what about you?" He heard someone ask

And that's when he realised, that's Kim Sunoo,from all those years ago

"Oh my god" he breathe,he felt his heartbeat fasten

"Yeah right? he's cute" Daniel says

Hanbin notice Jaebeom having a low-key panic attack

"What's the matter Jae?"Hanbin quickly came to him

"Do you remember when i said i helped a friend from bullying when i was young?"Jaebeom starts (#if you don't read chapter 22:story of jaebeom)


"That's him" Jaebeom points

"Oh my god are you serious?" Hanbin exclaim

"He's coming this way"Daniel announced in slight panic

But Jaebeom doesn't mind,Sunoo can't see them anyway

"Excuse me where's the rest room?"

Whatthefuck,Jaebeom thought,Sunoo can see them? He locked eye with Hanbin,'why is he seeing us?' he says with his eyes,Hanbin shoot him back with 'hell if i know'

"Just go straight there"Daniel calmly instructed

Sunoo met Jaebeom's stare for a little moment before bowing his head a bit saying "thank you"

He walk toward the direction given

'he doesn't remember me'Jaebeom thought, he's a bit sad of that fact but it can't be helped

Suddenly,Sunoo came to a halt, slowly turning back,speedwalking toward Jaebeom

"I'm sorry but are you Jaebeom?"Sunoo asks

He felt his whole body shock

"Yeah"He nods

Before he had time to prepare,his ears are abuse by a loud squealing

Sunoo grabs his hands,jumping up and down "oh my god I can't believe it,I MISSED YOU SO MUCH"

"I missed you too Sunoo"Jaebeom let himself smile

"Oh are these your friends,hi I'm Kim sunoo, Jaebeom's friend, he's my savior"Sunoo smiled as he introduced himself to the other, proudly showing off Jaebeom as if he's his hero

"We really have to keep in touch,by the way why are you here?"Sunoo asks taking his phone out to get Jaebeom number

"Sunoo i work here"Jaebeom states,staring at Sunoo's change in expression

"But isn't this place for—?"Sunoo's word fell

"Yeah Sunoo I'm dead"Jaebeom says as a matter of fact

"I-i'm...."Sunoo lost the ability to form a sentence maybe because of the shock,he found his childhood friend again but not alive

"It's okay Sunoo" Jaebeom assures him,patting his head

"Did you live your life happily?"Sunoo asks,he just has to know this

Jaebeom thinks for a second,how is he supposed to answer that?i died because i was bullied for protecting you?never

"Sunoo don't worry,i lived and died as happily as possible"Jaebeom lied trying his best to cover his lie with a smile


After some more minutes,Sunghoon called for Sunoo,it seems they have to go back home now

"Goodbye"Sunoo says,the way it came out left Jaebeom sad

"Goodbye Sunoo" He says

A moment later Hanbin came beside him "why didn't you tell him?"

"Didn't you hear him? I'm his savior, I didn't die for nothing" Jaebeom says as he stare at Sunoo

All this time Jaebeom thought he was a coward,but now he realised he's nothing close to that

He saved Sunoo,and now Sunoo thought of him as his savior and he can't be any prouder

He's not a coward, he is a hero

I didn't notice wattpad cut off 1/3 of the chapter sorry🥲

𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐋 𝐋𝐔𝐍𝐀 » JaywonWhere stories live. Discover now