57 - Final Day With The Fox Family

Start from the beginning

"Don't crowd him you little runts." Krystal's Grandpa sighed.

"Wow...super cool!" Krystal's little sister cheered. "My brother-in-law is awesome!"


I wanted to deny it, but I choked on my words seeing her happy face with her sparkling eyes staring up at me. And I was now Krystal's fiancé, so it wasn't too far off...

"Alright, you little brat." He sighed, picking up Krystal's little sister and putting her on my shoulders. "He'll carry you."

"Eh?" I questioned.

"Yay!" She happily cheered, wrapping her arms around the top of my head.

"You all go back to your parents." He told the others kids. "We're done for today."

The kids happily ran off. Krystal's Grandpa and I started to walk back to the Fox House with Krystal's little sister on my shoulders.

"She sure warmed up to you quickly." He stared.

"I guess so..." I replied. "I wonder why."

"Siblings are cut from the same cloth." He replied.

The rest of the walk was fairly silent. While we were walking, I had Sally check to see if the level of the [Iron Sword] had changed at all.

"It's now at Level 5." Sally informed me.

We're now a fourth of the way on the sword then. Same for the bow, while for my bike we have quite a bit to go.

As we walked, I noticed that all of the Kitsunes were staring at me. Unlike before, it was no longer stares of suspicion and hostility. It was now states admiration and thankfulness.

Last night Krystal's Grandma had informed everybody of what had conspired between Newton, Krystal, and I, and the result of Newton's exile.

Walking into the house, the others looked at me. Anna stifled a laugh while Sapphire just smirked. Krystal looked at me shocked.

"Huh? What? How did you get so close to her? My little sister is a brat." Krystal stated.

Her little sister stuck a tongue out at her, wrapping around my head even tighter.

"You little..." Krystal glared.

"Please...not her too..." Kali sighed.

"It'll be alright." Her husband replied, patting her on the back.

I set down Krystal's little sister, who immediately scampered over to her seat. I sat down into my own, making Krystal latch onto my arm. Seeing this, Anna intertwined her hand with mine.

Sapphire looked at us, her eyes lingering at where Krystal held my arm and where Anna held my hand before lightly pouting and looking away. I haven't seen Sapphire pout before, but that was cute.

Krystal's Dad stood up, grabbing the food-filled plates and placing them in front of everyone. We all started to eat our final lunch here at Shippo Village.

After finishing lunch, we stood by the entrance to the house as we said our goodbyes.

"It was nice meeting you all." I nodded to them.

"I'll visit more often!" Krystal promised.

"Please do." Kira nodded. "And...please, take care of my daughter."

"I will. I promise." I smiled.

"Oh, Jack~!" Krystal happily cheered, latching onto my arm and making my face heat up.

"Come back soon...Mhm'Kay?" Krystal's little sister cutely asked.

"Yeah. I'll train you whenever you come." Krystal's Grandpa grinned.

"Of course, I'll come visit soon." I smiled, patting her head. I looked over to her Grandpa. "And I'll come when I can on the weekends."

"Good." He smirked.

"You're welcome back here to Shippo Village anytime." Smiled Krystal's Dad. "As an honorary member of our village. And your friends are also welcome any time they wish."

"We hope you'll come again." Added her Grandma.

"Thank you." I nodded towards them. "Goodbye."

"Goodbye." They smiled and waved as we exited the house, waving back.

We started to walk back to the entrance of Shippo Village, waving goodbye to everybody who called out "bye!" to us.

Exiting Shippo Village, that was the end of this very eventful weekend.

"You made a good impression." Krystal smiled. "I knew you could do it!"

"Well, not a first." Sapphire smirked. "But good job."

"Thanks Jack." Krystal smiled.

"No problem. What are friends for?" I replied.

She elbowed me in the stomach. "Ow! Why?"

"You idiot." Sally sighed.

"Not friends." Krystal stated. "Fiancés."

"That's not how the saying goes." I sweatdropped.

"Doesn't matter now, I'm also your fiancé. Oh, I can't wait to see Dawn's face when I tell her this..." Krystal mischievously giggled.

"But really...thank you." She sincerely added.

"Again...no problem." I smiled.

We walked back to where Dunk had picked up. Anna called him, causing him to shortly appear in his signature taxi. Anna paid him and we got in.

And shortly I was fighting the urge to be sick as we hurtled through the Hell Highway, going at speeds which would be breaking many laws back in Arcadia.

And then I realized we had school tomorrow, and I felt the urge to groan. After everything that happens this week, I just wanted a break.

Well, time to go back to Hell High.

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