My Best Day.

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Avery's point of View

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Avery's point of View

4 am Summerlin, Las Vegas. Tired, excited, and heavily focused. Chloe, Sam, Aurora, Leah, Francesca, and Shana, all asleep after coming to the beach house early with all of our dresses ready for later this morning. While they slept I was down stairs in the gym.

I couldn't sleep, as I felt like I was up to my neck in anxiety. I had music in my headphones screaming and vibrating. Each punch I took to the punching bag got harder each time. I was completely zoned out not one thought in my mind besides, 'please god let my mother show up.'

I hit, and I hit and I hit. The leather on the bag tearing and so was my skin. When I realized I stopped and took my breath. I sat down for a minute, drinking some water.

I'm about to sit in a room for a few hours to get dolled up to say I do. Most girls would be so excited they would be up talking to their friends about it. But the 'me' in me feels ridiculous right about now.  I chuckled to myself as I remembered me saying to Aurora when we were younger, "What kind of girl enjoys a wedding? I mean if I'm getting married, tell me you love me while I'm in jeans and that's it, we're hitched."

I took my headphones off and immediately the sound of the waves from outside hit me. I looked out side it was pretty dark as the sun was still down. I took my shoes off and went out back to the beach, after a while my feet were in the sand.

I walked up to the beach and sat down just to where  the water would stop just in front of me. I pulled my knees up to my chest and laid my chin on my knees. I took a deep breath and just sat there.

God, or whoever is controlling this simulation of life, let me be enough. Let me stay in the arms of this man for the rest of my life. Let me be able to look into his eyes every time I fall asleep. I promise to treat him like king he is. I promise to love and adore him like I do. I need him and I love him. Love is still unbelievable to me but him... he blows my mind.

I  sighed in relief and put my nails into the cold sand before standing up. I put my arms around myself as the wind started to pick up. I walked towards the water just enough for my ankles to be underneath the very cold water. I looked up at the sky and smiled as the sun that started to rise. "I know you're here... I just wanted to say I love you. Oh, and how much I miss you, Denver. I wish I knew more of you." I said out loud.

I walked back inside to the gym, and got my phone. 4:50 am. In about 8 hours I'll be married to the love of my life. I locked the backyard door and went upstairs, I went into each room, every one still asleep besides Chloe. I walked into Chloe's room and laid in bed with her as she herself was still up. We laid side by side looking up at the ceiling.

"Can't sleep?" She asked me. "Not one fucking bit." I answered before silence filled the room again. "How'd you know you loved him, Avery?"  She looked at me. I took her hand in mine and squeezed it. "If we're being honest I don't know. I just knew." I told her. "Have you spoken to Jackson?" She nodded her head, she looked disappointed almost in herself, that she hadn't said anything.

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