If this was real

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Hi bbys, hru

Hi bbys, hruTW

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Klaus POV

She sat in the tub, letting me wash her but she wasn't the same. She was traumatized into a wild coma of needed to protect herself. Every time I'd make a loud noise with the water or touch her to fast, she'd flinch. The water she sat in turning red from the blood that covered her.

I tried my best to ask what had happened. I was in rage. Someone did not only touch mine but they hurt mine.  My first priority was making sure she felt safe.  She wouldn't talk to me and I accepted it, because i know she'd open up eventually.

I guided her out of the tub, as I was about to wrap a towel around her I saw the whole picture. She was in pain from these fresh bruises. But I stayed in my boundaries and wrapped her in the towel.

I gave her more of my clothes to sleep in keeping close eye on her. She didn't want to eat do I didn't push and we jumped right into bed.

Every bruise, every cut, every scar. It was on her yet it hurt me as if it was on me. She didn't want to talk about out it, but who ever did this, I'd kill them. She was in so much pain, she wasn't sleeping like she used to. Shes stiff and has so many walls up.

I placed soft kisses on her head helping her realize she's safe. Tracing her perfect face, I wish I could see her smile. I was disgusted at the fact someone would do this her.

What ever was holding me back from claiming this woman wasn't as strong as my love for her. This was the moment I gave in. I'd give my life to keep her safe and I need her to know that. Something like this won't happen again.

When I see her, it's as if space and time become the finest point imaginable, as if time collapses into one tiny speck and explodes at light speed. It's as if my universe begins and ends with her. I could run forever, search forever, but in the end, every path leads right back to her heart and soul. I love her, always.

She's mine and I'm hers, just the two of us. I know it's going to destroy one of us, but I'd rather it destroy me then her. Even though her tough Exeter protects her, I know it'll eat her up from the inside slowly.

Massaging her back and sliding my hands u see her shirt comforting her as much as possible. Wide awake with thoughts swarming my head.

Moments later she had awakened. She stayed still but I saw her bat her eyes and her breathing quickened.

Averys POV

Though my eyes are open I can't think of why; my heart is pounding, mind empty. It's as if a hypodermic of adrenaline has been emptied into my carotid. I strain into the utter darkness, breathing rate beginning to steady.

I felt my head laid down onto Klaus's chest. My heart and body wanted me to feel safe but my mind wouldn't let me. Trauma can happen so fast yet it can linger on and on until there is a chance for real healing and a real resolution.

I probably spent a long while trying to calm me self in the little cocoon I made of myself. I hesitated to lift my head and face Klaus but when I did I immediately regretted it.

His face said it all. He was worried, irritated, and deeply petrified. I felt horrible for placing my problems onto him but he was my safe place and I needed him.

Slowly gathering myself and trying to ignore how lightheaded I was, I climbed on top of him. Immediately his hands dropped to my waist helping me advance my balance. I leaned forward to his face cupping his face in my hands softly caressing his lip with my thumb. There is something eternal about the lips as much as the eyes, for they too are a passing point of soulful communications.

Looking him in his eyes, I just wanted to forget. Not just today but all of my life. I wanted to be consumed by his love whether it was true and pure love or love I created in my head and he was just going with it, I wanted it.

I leaned in for him to kiss me like he does but instead I was interrupted by his words. "Your not ok,Avery." He told me with dissatisfaction spread across his face. He was truly worried and I understand that. But I needed his help to forget, I just wanted to remember his taste and nothing else.

"I promise I am, just help me through the rest of the night." That's all I really wanted and I told him. He was still against my idea and he didn't want to be told otherwise but I didn't care, and was willing to go against his words.

I kissed him with all the strength I had left. At first he resisted but eventually he felt how bad I needed this right now and his grip on my waist tightened severely.

Oh how I wished this was real. His love if it was real. I don't believe in love not one bit. I don't think someone can truly give them self to someone forever. To trust and believe in that person for life. Commitment is hard I believe everyone is afraid of some part of it.

And to be honest I still don't believe in love, I believe in us.

Me and him always.

In our kiss I realized outside was getting brighter, it was already dawn. Dawn brings a sunlight crown, smiling upward at black heavens, feeling how the passing night welcomes it more with each minute and hour.

His hand trailed up and down my body, oh how I loved his every touch.

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