
At Mary Margaret's loft, Emma and Elaine were watching David and Faye spending time with their infant son, "He's a handsome boy," David said.

Faye chuckled softly, "Stop, you're going to spoil him," Faye said.

Outside the room, Emma and Elaine were watching them, both lost in thought and David looked at him, "Girls, you okay?" David asked

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Outside the room, Emma and Elaine were watching them, both lost in thought and David looked at him, "Girls, you okay?" David asked.

"What? Oh, yeah, of course," Elaine said.

"You sure?" Faye asked.

"Yeah," The Swan twins said.

"You guys finally gonna tell us the name of our little brother? Or should we just keep on calling him 'Hey there'?" Emma asked.

David and Faye chuckled a little, "Well, the thing is, there's this tradition. Back in the Enchanted Forest, whenever a new royal is born, you usually announce the name at a coronation ceremony," David said.

"Same with my realm," Faye said.

"Your mother and I would have done it with you two if we could have," David said.

"You're not gonna hold him out in front of the clock tower and present him like Lion King, are you?" Elaine asked.

David laughed, "Of course not. In fact, we've decided to forego all pomp and circumstance for a nice potluck at Granny's," David said.

"The important thing is to mark the occasion. To remind ourselves that after all, we've been through, we're still together. As a family, as complicated as it has gotten," Faye said and the twins glanced at each other.

Elsie walked in with a box, "I come bearing gifts... Or a gift," Elsie said and walked over to the kitchen counter putting the box there.

"What is it?" Faye asked as she and David walked over.

"Grandpa's in a really good mood, it's weird... His gift to his grandson," Elsie brought out a unicorn mobile, "Still in amazing design mom," Elsie said.

"You designed them?" Emma asked.

"Yep," Faye said.

Henry and Julia walked in carrying a newspaper ad for an apartment, "Hey, check it out. I think I found us a place," Henry said.

Elaine looked at them surprised and confused, "Us? Wait, what? You're looking for apartments?" Elaine asked.

"Yeah, you, me, Julia and Aunt Em," Henry handed her the paper, "What do you think?" Henry asked.

"Ha... Ha... Ahh..." Elaine struggled with words then sighed deeply and looked conflicted as she looked at the ad.

"What do you think?" Julia asked.

"Yeah, Elaine. What do you think?" David asked.

Elaine blinked a few times before rolling up the newspaper and placing her arm over the young twin's shoulders, "I think your grandfather and Faye can't decide what to name your uncle and they are using a fairy-tale tradition to try and buy themselves some time," Elaine said, she smiled at her parents as Henry and Julia chuckled.

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