37 - Bleeding Through

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A few days have passed, Regina was putting on her earrings in front of a mirror, they heard the doorbell rang and looked to the door, Regina walked over and opened the door, she looked around to see no one there but looked down to see two baskets filled with green apples, she picked them up.

"A gift," Regina glanced behind her to see Zelena behind her, sat on the dining table, "From sister to sister," Zelena said.

Regina picked them up and shut the door behind her as she walked back inside, placing the basket on a side table, "What are you doing here?" Regina asked.

"I saw your tree and I thought you could use something better," Zelena picked up one of Regina's red apples from her fruit basket on the dining table, "Red apples are so sickly sweet, don't you think? People tend to like something

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"I saw your tree and I thought you could use something better," Zelena picked up one of Regina's red apples from her fruit basket on the dining table, "Red apples are so sickly sweet, don't you think? People tend to like something... A little sharper," Zelena said as she got off the table.

"And green apples are just... Bitter," Zelena picked up one of Regina's decorations, "That's not yours," Regina said.

"Story of my life," Zelena said as she put the decoration down.

"Why are you here?" Regina asked.

"Oh, sisterly concern, sisterly advice, you know. I wanted to make sure you were alright after our little showdown," Zelena said as she walked over to Regina's living room.

Regina followed her, "I'm fine. Are you?" Regina asked.

"Getting there," Zelena looked around the room and took a seat on Regina's sofa, "This is nice. So luxurious. You really don't appreciate what you have, do you?" Zelena said.

"Right. Because I got everything and you have nothing. If you want your superpower to be envy, go right ahead," Regina said.

"Envy is just another word for ambition," Zelena said.

"Well, that's just..." Regina sighed, "Not true," Regina said.

"You see, I strive for things. I work. You..." Zelena scoffed, "...You cast a curse that was just a fancy form of running away. With every advantage, you still turn your back on every opportunity for happiness. You, Regina... You just don't take risks, you don't live your life! It's such a waste!" Zelena stood up and examined the mantle, "I can see why our mother was so disappointed in you," Zelena said.

"Disappointed in me? She gave you away," Regina said.

"You have no idea what really happened. That's exactly what's going to hurt you," Zelena said.

Regina laughed, "You didn't come here to give me sisterly advice. Why are you really here?" Regina said.

"So perceptive. I'm here, Regina, because I wanted to make sure you weren't someplace else so I can take what I need. Or rather, the stand-in Dark One could. Do you feel it, sis? He's taking your heart," Zelena said.

Regina picked up a knife and threw it at Zelena, only for her to disappear in green smoke.

Elsewhere, in the B&B, Mr Gold was standing in a room and he walked towards a bed when he heard the safety cap removed from a gun and he turned to see Emma, "Stop right there. I know this won't kill you, but it'll stall you," Emma said.

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