32 - Quiet Minds

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Elaine, Emma, Adam, Elsie and David were walking in the woods looking for Mr Gold, "So, how was Neal?" David asked.

"Oh, yeah, you ran out of that room and order Killian not to leave him alone. What happened?" Elsie asked.

Elaine sighed, "It was hard and awkward. Henry and Julia make it complicated. It's not just about me. He's hoping Gold or Katy or Priscilla, when one of them is back, can help bring their memories back," Elaine said.

"That would be an added bonus to finding Gold," David said as he sighed.

"Would it? A couple days ago, I would have thought that was true, but now..." Elaine said.

"Now what? How's he gonna stay in Storybrooke without them?" David asked.

Elaine and Emma looked at each other, silently, "Elaine... I'm surprised, you..." Emma said.

"Unless neither of you are planning to," He sighed, "You think you'll both go back to New York after we break the curse?" David asked.

"A week ago, we were playing video games with Henry and Julia and eating fruit roll-ups. Now we're chasing after the Dark One, hoping he can help us find the Wicked Witch of the West before the newly crowned Dark Sorceress and the White Queen come to town," Elaine said.

"What she said," Emma said.

They heard someone scream and grunt in pain, the three of them took off running and found Mr Gold knelt on the ground, grabbing his head, "Grandpa! You alright?!" Elsie asked as they ran over to them.

"No, no, no, no, not alright! Not alright!... It's... I can't quiet the voices," Mr Gold said.

"We know that you were held captive by the witch. Do you know where she is?" Elaine asked.

"Yeah," He pressed his hand against his head as he panted, "She's..." Mr Gold cringed in pain, "There's no room! No room! There's too many voices! Too many voices! Mr Gold yelled.

"We got to get him out of here," Adam said.

They heard screeching and looked up to see a flying monkey screeching and came towards them, Elaine and Emma took out their guns as David began fighting it with his sword and Mr Gold took off running, "Grandpa!" Elsie yelled and chased after him with Adam.

"Gold!" Elaine yelled.

"He's getting away!" David grunted as he swung his sword at the monkey, "I'll hold it off! Go!" David said and the Swan twins took off running after them.


Elsie, Adam, Elaine and Emma were walking through the woods until they spotted someone walking around in the distance, "Gold?" Elaine called out.

They got a better look at the person, Neal, "Elaine! Emma!" Neal yelled.

"Neal?!" They walked over to him, "What the hell are you doing here?" Elaine asked.

"You expect me to stay in bed while you're looking for my dad?" Neal looked at Elsie, "Aleena... Is your-," Neal began to say.

"No," Elsie interrupted.

"Right. I forgot who I was dealing with," Elaine said.

"You got a bead on him?" Neal asked.

"We just saw him, but he took off again," Adam said.

"So it's true... He's alive?" Neal asked.

"Yeah. He is," Elsie said.

"How'd he seem?" Neal asked.

Home is Where the Heart is [OUAT|| Swan Princess Trio Book #3]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz