"You are not to blame," David ripped off the blue apron, grabbed his sword and walked out of the door. Regina was hugging Henry when Regina saw David heading down the corridor, "Where are you going?" Regina asked.

"To get my son back," David said.

Julia and Daniella poked their heads out of a room, "Gramps?" Julia said as she walked after him with Regina, Daniella and Henry

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Julia and Daniella poked their heads out of a room, "Gramps?" Julia said as she walked after him with Regina, Daniella and Henry.

"You're gonna get yourself killed!" Regina grabbed his arm, "David, think about this!" Regina said.

"What's there to think about? She's got Snow as well," David asked and started to walk again.

The children looked at Regina, "Don't let him get hurt," Julia said.

Katy, Elaine, Killian and Emma walked around the corner, almost bumping into David, "What's going on?" Emma asked.

"What happened? Did you find Zelena?" David asked the Swan trio.

"We did, but we couldn't stop her," Elaine said.

"She took your brother and mother," David told them.

The Swan twins grabbed each other's hand tightly, "Because we failed?" Emma questioned.

"We're all still here. So, no one's failed just yet," Killian said.

"Hook's right. Come on," David said and started to walk away.

"No, wait," David looked at the Swan twins, "Zelena took our magic," Emma said.

"How the hell did the happen?" Regina asked.

"It doesn't matter how. It just happened," Elaine said.

"And now we need to find another way to stop her," Emma said.

"There's is no other way," Regina said.

"That's not true," Henry walked up to Regina, "You and Katy can do it," Henry said.

"Sweetheart, I don't think I can survive Round Three with my sister," Regina said.

"We're not exactly... Light, kids... I'm just the White Queen by name, nothing else," Katy said.

"Glinda was pretty specific. Only the purveyor of the stronger light magic can defeat her," David said.

"Which isn't me and mom," Katy said.

Henry and Julia looked at Regina, "Zelena only beat you because you were using dark magic against her," Henry said.

"But, it's all I have," Regina said and Katy nodded.

"No, it's not," Regina looked at Elaine, "When you kissed Katy, that was true love's kiss. That's light magic," Elaine said.

"See, you can do it," Julia said.

"Twins, I don't even have my heart right now," Regina said.

"That doesn't matter. You broke the curse without it. And I know you still love her. I know there's good in you," Daniella said and Katy and Regina looked at each other.

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