
In the Enchanted Forest, Rumpelstiltskin and Priscilla were teaching Regina magic, Priscilla and Rumpelstiltskin made two fireballs in their hands as a demonstration, "Your turn, dearie," Rumpelstiltskin said.

Regina used her magic to light a fire in the palm of her hand but soon the flames cease and go out, she tried again but with great difficulty.

Meanwhile, in the Emerald City, Zelena was watching Rumpelstiltskin and Priscilla teaching Regina through the floor that showed her the image.

"Really? It's not that difficult," Zelena produced a fireball herself, the flying monkey screeched, "Quiet. I can't concentrate with all that screeching," Zelena said.

Glinda walked in, "It's probably me. He was never much of a fan," Glinda said.

"Who are you?" Zelena asked.

"Glinda, the Good Witch of the South," Zelena formed another fireball in her hand ready to attack, "You can relax. I'm not here to fight you. I'm here to thank you. For showing Oz the true nature of the Wizard and standing up to him," Glinda said.

"And you're glad that I turned him into a monkey?" Zelena questioned in confusion.

"A little time as your pet will do him good. He was a trickster. Offering people hope he could never deliver. You're quite powerful, Zelena," Glinda said as she approached her.

"I know," Zelena said.

"But you're wasting it on these foolish pursuits," Glinda said.

"What do you know about what I want?" Zelena questioned.

"You want to change your destiny, but you can't go back in time. No one can. Why don't you come with me?" Glinda suggested.

"Why on earth would I do that?" Zelena asked.

"Because I think I can offer you something that you're really looking for. There are some people that I want you to meet," Glinda told her.

"Who?" Zelena asked.

"Come, meet your real sisters," Glinda said.

End of Flashback

Zelena and Mr Gold were now in the barn, Under Zelena's direct supervision Mr Gold dug slots into the ground, "There, dig," Zelena said.

"Huh?" Mr Gold said as he dug.

Zelena watched Mr Gold closely, "You think I'll fail," Zelena said.

"I think destiny is destiny," Mr Gold said as he continued to work.

Zelena chuckled, "You're wrong, I can change it," She placed the gold brain into a bowl, "Once I fix the past, my mother will keep me, Regina will never have been born and I'll get everything she'll ever had," She placed Regina's heart into a bowl standing opposite the brain, "With the right ingredients I can do anything," Zelena said.

"Whether it works or not, is irrelevant, dearie. Because no matter what you change or your past, one thing shall remain the same..." Zelena placed the sword hilt in another bowl, "Who are you and that is a fate, you can never escape," Mr Gold said.

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