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(1 month after Kagami's death)

6:30 pm | Tokyo, Japan

Mikey's POV

"Papa, mama, look look!" Megumi said while trying to show me her drawing.

"Papa, mama, look look!" Megumi said while trying to show me her drawing

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(THIS is a work of art!)

"It's papa, mama, and Megumi!" She said with a smile.

"Wow, Megumi is such a good artist! Look Manjiro, she drew you well!" Y/n said while pointing at me in the drawing.

"Yeah" I said and pat Megumi's head.

"Hehe, papa look, you pat my head in the drawing too!" She said and pointed at the drawing.

"Oh, you're right!" Y/n said with a small chuckle.

"Also also, I drew the others too!" She said and took her other drawings from the table and showed it to us.

"Also also, I drew the others too!" She said and took her other drawings from the table and showed it to us

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(THIS is a work of art)

"It's Harucchi, Rin-chin, and Ran-chi!" she said with a wide smile.

"Good work" I said and she smiled again.

"I will show them this drawing when they all get home!" She said

Y/n kept complimenting Megumi and I just said some words. I don't really know how to properly react to this.

She kept showing us her drawings and was telling stories. The whole hour was spent talking about how good Megumi's drawing was.

"Manjiro, isn't our daughter so talented. She's smart too!" Y/n said cheerfully.

"Yeah" I replied and looked at Megumi softly while she was drawing another picture.

It looks like she's having fun drawing. I should ask Koko to buy more art materials for her to use.

When I was about to space out, I saw Y/n staring at a paper so I decided to go near to know what was wrong.

The drawing was weird but I won't say that.

The drawing was weird but I won't say that

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