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Mikey's POV

"What are you thinking, Manjiro?" Y/n asked while we were having our night stroll.

"Something about work." I replies and she nodded.

In truth, I was thinking about the lead we had. We are back to square one and it's frustrating me.

"I see" she said and suddenly a little girl screamed in an alley nearby. I don't really care, it's none of my business.

"Manjiro..." Y/n said with worried eyes. I sighed and we followed where the scream came from.

We saw a little girl, dressed in ragged clothes hugging herself with fear. She looks dirty and thin. There was no one around.

"Oi, what's wrong?" I asked in a bored tone. How bothersome. The girl looked at me with teary eyes, she was scared. Does she know me?

"That's not how you talk to a child, Manjiro. Be more gentle." Y/n said and I sighed.

The child looked at Y/n and started to calm down.

"Angel? I'm ....saved?" She weakly said before passing out. I caught her before she hit the ground.

"What now?" I asked

"Let's take her home, she's miserable here. It also looks like she was living here alone." She said

"Alright" I said and picked the little girl up. I carried her to the penthouse and Kakucho was the first person I saw.

"What happened? Who's this?" He asked while looking at the girl in my arms.

"We found her in an alley, Y/n said that we'll take her back." I said

"I see" he replied

"Take her and clean her up. Make sure she isn't injured too. Feed her something when she wakes up." I said as I passed the girl to him and I went back to my room with Y/n.


Kakucho's POV

Who is this girl? She's so small, underweight, and frail.

I walked towards the guest room and laid her down on the bed. I dialed my secretary's number and wait for her to pick up.

"You need anything, sir?" She said

"Yeah, can you come to the penthouse? You don't need to wear anything fancy, just be comfortable." I said

"Right away" she replied and I ended the call. After waiting for a while of waiting in the living room, she finally arrived.

"Thanks for coming, Aoi." I said

"It's no problem at all, sir. What do I have to do?" She asked

"Follow me" I said and led her to the guest room where the child was sleeping.

"Who is this?" She asked

"Mikey brought her home. He said he picked her up from an alley. He tasked me to take care of her but I called you here to clean her up." I explained

"I see, then if that is all, I'll start right away." She said and I nodded before I left the room and waited in the living room.

Aoi, she was Y/n's secretary. She was one of the girls that she saved from child molesters that we encountered from other gangs. She chose to follow Y/n instead of living a new life. She looks at Y/n as a parental figure.

I took her as my secretary since she don't have anywhere to go. Mikey doesn't need any secretaries since we mainly take care of minor things. The others either already have a secretary or are out of the question.

I look after her as a sister.


"Kakucho-san, I'm done cleaning her up." She said while waking me up.

I guess I fell asleep while waiting.

"Are you alright, Aoi? Did you cry?" I asked and she looked away.

"I'm fine, sir. But you have to look at her, you'll know why." She said and I stood up.

I was confused but I went to the child's room. She was following me silently from behind.

When I opened the guest room door, I entered and opened the lamp beside the bed. The girl was tucked in and was peacefully sleeping.

I looked at the girl a bit longer and tears came flowing out.

"Y-y/n?" I softly said and looked back to Aoi who was also trying to hold her tears back. I looked back at the child.

She looks exactly like Y/n, like how I remember her when we were together at the orphanage but a bit younger.

She has long (h/c), her eyelashes were also long and have the same color. The way she sleeps is also the same.

I knelt on the ground, trying to control my sobs to not wake her up. I held the little girl's small hand and connected it with my forehead.


After calming down, we went back to the living room, drinking coffee.

"When you cleaned her, did you find any injuries?" I asked

"Except for scratches, there's no major injuries. The only thing that is worrying, is she is so thin and light." She said and I nodded

"She was in the streets, after all, finding food is difficult. Call the doctor tomorrow to check up on her." I said and she nodded

"Is there anything else?" She asked

"When we know her name, find some information about her." I said and she took note of it.

"Also, buy her some clothes and basic needs. Use my 2nd black card to buy it. That's all." I said

"Yes sir" she replied

"Thanks for coming and cleaning her up. I'll call again when I need help." I said

"It's no problem at all, I'm thankful that I was the one who cleaned her. Thanks to her I saw my guardian's face again. If that's all, I'll be going now." She said and bowed. She had a faint smile on her face.

"Take care on your way home." I said and she left

It's been a long time since I saw her smile genuinely. I wonder if Mikey knew that the girl looked like Y/n.

It's impossible, he doesn't look like he knew. Besides, the girl was unrecognizable because of the dirt on her.

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