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Mikey's POV

"Mikey-san, the doctor has arrived." Aoi said

"Let him come here." I said while I hold Megumi who fell asleep while playing with Aoi a while ago. She was so energetic that just watching her makes me more tired.

"I'm sorry for being late Sano-san, the hospital was full of patients today." The doctor said nervously. He was still wearing his lab coat and looked like he rushed here as fast as he can.

"Next time don't be late." I said with a dangerous tone and he nervously nodded.

The reason why I didn't kill her today is because of Megumi, I don't want her to see something disturbing this early. 

Megumi moved and started to wake up.

"Papa?" She said while looking at me.

"Someone will check up on you today." I said and she tilt her head

"Check...up?" She said and looked around. When her eyes landed on the doctor, she suddenly froze up.

"What's wrong?" I said but she didn't respond and just looked at the doctor with wide and petrified eyes and her small hands gripped my shirt as tightly as she can.


Megumi's POV

Huh? I-I've seen them before. It's the other bad fairy in my dreams.

"No! C-me cl-s-r a-d I w-ll ki-l y-u al-!" a lady says but I can't remember who she is and what she looks like. All I see were blurry pictures but I see long white outfits. After that, I heard a loud bang bang.

"She's es-ap-ng, g-t he-!" they said, away from us. I hear a lady sobbing and it's like she's running away.

"Ma--i-o, p--ase h--p us!"  The lady muttered and a baby cried

"Shhh shhh, y-u'll be o--ay. M--my is h--e, w-'-e g--ng h-me to da--y. I w-ll p-o-ect yo-, o-r l-tt-e b-ess-ng." She said and tiredly hummed a tune.

"Th-re th-y are! G-t the-!" They said

"Megumi?" Papa called and I looked at him, I didn't even know that I was crying.

No, I have to stop crying. Papa will hate me if I always cry. He'll throw me away. I have to be strong and brave like nee-san said.

"What's wrong?" He asked and I shook my head

"Just tell me, are you scared of the doctor?  You don't like him?" He asked and I buried my face on papa's shirt. His smell makes me calm and sleepy.

"I can just get another one if you don't like him. Aoi, go get my gun." He said

"There are more white monsters?" I said and started to shake and tear up.

"White monsters?" He said

"They will get me, they are bad!" I said and cried

"What do you mean?"

"White monsters chase us in my dreams, they are bad." I said


Mikey's POV

"Here's your gun, Mikey-san." Aoi said and handed me my weapon and I pointed it at the doctor who was shaking in fear.

"You" I said and he flinched

"Y-yes, sir?" He nervously asked

"Take off your coat and hide it away." I said and he immediately took off his lab coat and put it in his bag.

"The white monster is gone, you can look now." I said and Megumi slowly peeked behind her and looked at the doctor with a relieved sigh.

"Did papa scare it away?" She asked and I nodded

"Yeah, it will not take you away because I'm here." I said

"I'm sowwy for being a cwybaby, I tried to be brave but it's scawy. Please don't hate me, papa." She said while sobbing and I just hugged her.

"I don't hate you, and you don't have to be brave if you can't. Crying is okay too." I said and calmed her down.














"So?" I asked the doctor who just finished checking up on Megumi. I left her with Aoi for a while so we could talk about her condition.

"The child is overly underweight and underdeveloped for children her age so I recommend a nutritional diet for her to regain a healthy body." He stated

"Luckily she didn't have any diseases or any complications but I suggest that you should still be careful with her about exposing her to other environments that can cause sickness." He added

"The bruises and scratches that are found are not life-threatening and will heal in a week with proper rest and treatment." He also said

"Did she perhaps get her vaccines already?" He asked

"I don't know, I just adopted her recently and we are still looking for her information." I said

"I see, then if she still didn't get her shots, we can administer her shots if she is back to being healthy again." He said

"Is that all?" I asked

"Yes, sir." He said and I nodded. I took out an envelope full of money and left it on the table near him.

"Keep this matter confidential and make sure no one else would know about my daughter. If I hear anything about it, you know what will happen." I said and he gulped. 

"Yes, sir." He said

"Take this and leave. The next time you come here, make sure that you're not wearing that coat again." I said and he bowed before taking the envelope and left.

I was left alone again in the room and sat for a while. It's almost dark, Y/n will be home later. I hope she'll be happy that I adopted the kid we found.

I sighed and stood up before going to where Aoi and Megumi is. I peeked at the door and I saw Megumi sleeping on Aoi's lap. Guess she was tired from playing and crying today.

I decided to enter and went near them silently to not wake Megumi up.

"I'll take her to bed, you can go home too. I'll tell Kakucho that you went home." I said and she nodded and picked Megumi up before passing her to me carefully.

"Then, I'll be going now, Mikey-san." She said and bowed.

"Yeah, take care on your way home." I said and started to walk to our room. I didn't hear any response from Aoi so I just left.

When I finally arrived at our room, I didn't find Y/n in her usual spot so I just laid Megumi down and tucked her in. Looking at Megumi who was sleeping reminds me greatly of Y/n when we were younger.

I also laid down beside Megumi and after a while, I fell asleep too. It was warm and not empty anymore but it still feels incomplete. I wish Y/n would come home sooner.

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