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Kokonoi's POV

This idiot Sanzu, suddenly crashed the car into the fountain which both cost a lot of money! And not only that, but he also woke up Mikey.

Ran and Rindou didn't even stop him, they just recorded the pink-haired idiot.  It's not like I expected them to but they should've when they saw Mikey.

It was kind of creepy of him to be staring out the window like a ghost. Thinking about it makes me shiver. I almost got a heart attack from that, my soul almost left my body.

I think I would cut off Sanzu's allowance for a month. Even if he doesn't learn anything, I'll just make him stop taking drugs for a month.

I sighed for the nth time and it's still 3 in the morning. I couldn't even sleep because of what happened. I'll really make that addict pay for this.

"If only Y/n-san is here" I murmured. Sanzu would've listened to her and won't cause much trouble.

Did someone turn up the AC? Or did I just imagine it? It was cold for a moment.

"I guess it's just my imagination," I said and tried to sleep again.


Sanzu's POV

"Haruchiyo~" someone whispered.

"Turn the AC off, it's fucking cold already." I mumbled while my eyes were closed. I can still feel the electricity in my body. Did I get struck by lightning?


"Hmmm, can you be quiet? I'm trying to sleep here?" I said

"Haruchiyo~" someone whispered again

"What the fuck you want?!" I said and sat up while my body still hurts. I look around and I was in the living room and no one was there.

I guess I'm still high so I'll just lay down and sleep again.

"One. Are you cursing me now, Haruchiyo?" There it is again.

"Huh?" I said and opened my eyes again. I was still alone.

"Tsk, Rindou must be playing with me again." I said and closed my eyes again


"Okay, that's it!" I said and stood up went to my bed without minding the pain I feel. When I reached my room I went straight to my bed and lay down.

Finally, I can get some slee-

"Haruchiyo~" someone said and I opened my eyes. I reached for my gun but I remembered that I left it in the car so I reached for my katana instead.

"That's enough, Rindou, I'll kill you right now if you don't fuck off." I said and was ready to unsheathe my sword.

"Two." The voice said

"Show yourself you fucker! How dare you come to this place" I exclaimed


"Huh? Why are you counting?"

"That's already three times you cursed at me. Haruchiyo Akashi-kun." they said and I felt shivers

This voice, I remember this. The only one who calls me with my real last name is.....

"Oh my, are you scared now?" Someone said behind my back and I slowly turned around.

"Y-y/n??" I asked in disbelief

"Oh? You still remember me?" She said with a smile

"O-of course, why would I forget you," I said and moved towards her and kneeled.

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