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Kakucho's POV

When Mikey and the child left, I went and prepared the food for her. 

"What are you cooking?" Takeomi asked as he drank his coffee.

"I don't know what a kid likes, any recommendations?" I asked and he pondered.

"How about (favorite breakfast)? Since she reminds me of Y/n, maybe she'll like that too." He said and I thought of it for a while. I think it's not a bad idea even picky eaters would eat it, so I began to cook.

I remembered how Y/n used to cook it, she made me and Aoi taste it and it was surprisingly good.

After I'm done cooking, I tasted it before I put it on a plate. I tried to make it look as presentable and appetizing as possible I can.

I went to the living room to call them but I only saw the little girl sitting on the couch quietly with a small smile on her face.

I was about to call her but I stopped myself, what if she get scared again and run away? My scar makes me look intimidating so I might scare her away.

While I was thinking of a way, she looked at me and I flinched in surprise. She stood up and approached me and I didn't move from my spot.

"Uhm?" she awkwardly said

"Your food is ready, you can eat it in the dining room," I said it in a soft tone that I could.

"Th-thank you so much!" She said and bowed her head

"You don't have to bow." I said and she looked at me

"But onee-chan said to bow for thank you." She said 

"Yes, but you don't have to bow for something like that." I said and she nodded.

"I'm so sorry" she said and bowed again. I kneeled to match her height.

"You don't have to apologize for that too. You did nothing wrong." I said

"Oh, I'm sorry." She said and bowed again.

She's apologizing for apologizing? What happened to this kid?

While I was trying to think, her stomach grumbled and she shyly covered her face. I smiled and stood up.

"It's fine, you should eat now or your food will get cold." I said and held out my hand which she grabbed. She could only hold three of my fingers and her steps were small and light.

When we arrived at the dining table, I helped her sit on the chair because it was too high but the table was also high for her.

"Wait here for a minute, I'll go get something." I said and she nodded. I left the room and went get some pillows for her to sit on so she could reach the table.

When I got back, I put the pillows on her chair and she thanked me again. I served the food to her and gave her a spoon. She was struggling to lift the spoon.

"Here, let me help you." I said and took the spoon, I took a small portion of the food and made sure it wasn't too hot, and fed her. Her eyes went wide and I can see a sparkle in her eyes.

"Do you like it?" I asked and she nodded with a smile while she chewed.

"Oishii!" She said and I smiled.

"I learned how to cook this from my friend. She always cooks this when she can." I said and she looked at me.

"Friend?" She asked as she tilt her head.

"Yeah, she's like a sister to me though, we lived together in the orphanage." I said

"What is orfaneyji?" She said, trying to pronounce orphanage.

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