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Mikey's POV

"Hmm♪ hm, hmm♪ hmmm♪" I hear someone humming and I slowly woke up. It was still dark outside.

"Y/n?" I muttered and I saw her in her usual spot near the window, looking out. She didn't hear me so I slowly got up and went near her.

"Y/n?" I called again but she just stared out the window and kept humming her tune.

"I adopted the girl we found last time." I said and she stopped humming and finally looked at me and softly smiled.

"You're still kind as ever." She said

"I just did what I thought you'd like to do." I said

"Even so, you were kind enough to keep her for me." She said

"You're home late." I said and she just stared out the window again.

"I'm not home yet" She said and it made me confused.

"What do you mean, you are at home." I said and she starts to hum again.

"Y/n?" I called and tried to reach her but my hand just went through her. It was like she's just air.

My eyes went wide and she suddenly starts to disappear. I was desperate in finding her and I called out her name but nothing happened.




"Papa?!" Megumi said while she was shaking me. My eyes opened and I felt tears in my eyes. I looked at her and she was worried

"Are you alright, Manjiro?" A voice said from behind and I looked at her. It was my wife, she's here. She didn't disappear.

It was just a dream.

I almost went to touch her but I remembered what happened in my dream. What if she disappears again?

I suddenly felt Megumi hug me tightly.

"Papa, are you okay? You were crying and we were worried." She said and I  hugged her back.

"Did you have a bad dream, Manjiro?" Y/n softly asked and I nodded.

She softly smiled and joined the hug, making Megumi in between us. There wasn't much change but it feels a little bit more complete.

"Angel-san was here when I woke up and we talked so much." Megumi said as we broke the hug.

"I see." I said

"Wait, you call him papa but you don't call me mama? That's a bit unfair, don't you think?" Y/n said and Megumi smiled and giggled

"I will, sorry mama." She said and they smiled brightly. Even with that nightmare, this morning is the best I ever had since a long time ago.

"Now, that your both awake, why don't we go cook breakfast?" Y/n said and they both looked at me.

"Alright." I said and they smiled brightly. I felt something warm in my chest but it wasn't a bad feeling.


"Pass the salt to your papa." Y/n said to Megumi and she passed me the salt with her tiny hands.

"Thank you." I said and pat her head, I took the salt and add a small portion to the dish.

As usual, I was the one who is cooking while Y/n tells me what to do, the only difference is that we have a little helper now.

It was a morning that I don't want to ever end.

When I was done cooking the food, I told the two to wait for me in the dining room while I prepare the food.

I'm not really much into plating but I tried to make it look edible as possible as I can and carried it to the dining table.

I placed the plates in front of them and Y/n just started to laugh.

"What?" I asked

"Look how cute you made the food appear." She said and I looked at it.

"Woah" Megumi said with sparkled in her eyes.

I didn't even realize that I put flags on top of the omelet. It was a make-shift flag from colorful tissue paper and a toothpick.

"Papa is so cool!" Megumi said while staring a the food and I sat down.

Megumi was beside me while Y/n was in front of me with a smile. When we said our thanks and began to eat, Y/n looked at me and pointed at Megumi who was struggling to hold the spoon.

I took the spoon and fed her slowly while also eating my portion occasionally.

Y/n is not eating her food again I looked at her and she just smiled.

"What's the matter, papa?" Megumi asked

"Tell your mama, to eat her food and it's getting cold." I said

"Tell your papa that I was just enjoying looking at my two babies eating." Y/n said with a smile


Megumi's POV

I was looking at mama and papa who was telling me to tell them what they say.

I was just listening while papa give me food. Mama was just smiling and papa kept sighing

I don't know what's going on but they look happy so I just let them be.

Does papa forgot that mama is an angel?

Angels don't eat because they never go hungry, if they turn into a spirit then they could.

I met some angels before and I tried to give them food but they say they're not hungry so I just give some to kind spirits.

I sometimes wonder how papa can see mama because they said others can't see them. Do Kokocchi and Kakucchi also see mama? What about Aoi-nee?

"Do you still want more?" Asked papa and I nodded.

"Papa's a good cook!" I said and smiled. He pats my head and went to get more food.

They always touch my head and I still get scared. It isn't bad but I remember how the mister used to hit onee-chan back there.

"What's wrong?" Mama asked

"I wonder how nee-chan is doing, I hope she's okay." I said

"Nee-chan? You have a sister?" asked mama and I shook my head side to side.

"Nee-chan is not my real sister but she always helped me and protect me from the bad mister." I said

"Don't worry, I know your papa is already looking for her." Mama said with a soft smile and I feel warm.

"Right?" She asked while looking behind me. Papa was there with another plate of food. He just nod and fed me again.

"Don't worry, we'll find them soon." Papa said and I smiled

"Thank you, Mama, Papa." I said and we continued our breakfast. I'm so lucky to have mama and papa. Nee-chan would definitely like them too.

Please hold on a bit longer, nee-chan. I finally found help.

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