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"I'll let you in on a little secret, I always add cream to the chocolate to make the ganache extra velvety. Then, we'll let it fuse for one minute."

I nodded my head and jotted down what Mister Dupain-Cheng just said. Mom is planning to make macaroons soon, so I'm sure she'll be thankful for these tips. Maybe Chat will come and help us too...Focus!

"Do they seriously think that I'm going to get my hands dirty cooking like some maid?" Scoffed Chloe in the back. "If I wanted a croissant, I'll just make my butler get some for me."

"He not making croissants, Chloe," said Sabrina, rolling her eyes and reminding her friend for the hundred time what the lesson was about because she wasn't paying attention. "Those are macaroons."

"It's all done with a flick of the wrist," said Mister Dupain-Cheng, unbothered by Chloe's comments. "But you mustn't go too fast, or you might splash yourself."

"And soil my Chanel pants?" Said Chloe, outraged. "Never!"

"Once you're done, it should look like this!" Said Mister Dupain-Cheng.

Everyone came closer to get a good look at the bowl. 

"Hey, Alya," I whispered. "Send me a photo of this when you're done editing, 'kay?" Alya nodded and gave me a thumbs up.

Marinette suddenly tapped my shoulder. "Chloe's up to something again." she said, pointing at the blonde. She was making a phone call.

I figured I could have Marinette capture the akuma at the party and save Chloe some embarrassment. Sure, we'd have to clean the school, but honestly, anything to skip class. But then again, if it only takes up the time Marinette's father uses to teach us, then it won't be worth it. Hopefully it stretches into Miss Mendeleiev's class.

Also, this is where Chloe's redemption arc starts, and I really want her to become a better person.

"She's just makin a phone call, don't think too much about it," I told her.


"H-HUHH?" She shouted and stumbling to face her father.

"Could you put this in the school cafeteria for me please?" Requested Mister Dupain-Cheng. "In the mean time, I'm going to show your friends how to whip up egg whites!"

"Uh, of course!" Replied Marinette. Then she turned to me and whispered, "Keep an eye on her."

"So," said Mister Dupain-Cheng after Marinette had left. "When we separate the egg yolk from the egg white, we must be very careful, because even if you use a little too much force, the yolk will break and you'll waste an egg."

He cracked an egg open in a clean bowl and continued explaining. "Put ur hand under the yolk and scoop it up."

"And get my newly manicured nails covered in that disgusting egg stuff? Ridiculous!" Said Chloe.

Suddenly, the blaring sound of the fire alarm went off.

Mister Dupain-Cheng dropped the egg yolk back into the bowl from panic, causing it to break. He stared down at it in dismay. 

"Come on kids, hopefully it's just a drill," said Miss Bustier.

My classmates and I filed out of the classroom. Marinette was still holding the bowl of batter. 

"I knew Chloe was up to something!" She whisper-shouted while getting in line behind me.

"We don't know anything yet," I shushed her. Actually...


"So!" Boomed our headmaster, Mister Damocles. "Some smart Alec had the bright idea of calling the fire department."

A wave of murmur washed between the crowd of students.

 "Somebody amongst us thought it would be funny to waste the fire captain's valuable time."

"Uh, yes exactly," said the Captain of the fire department. "You wouldn't mind-"

"Hold on," said Mister Damocles, stopping him from going out. "I want the guilty party to apologize!"

"I'm a hundred percent sure it was Chloe," whispered Marinette to Alya and I. "I saw her right on the phone before the alarm went off."

"Seeing her make a phone call isn't solid proof," said Alya, pushing up her glasses.

"Yeah, Marinette. Don't jump to conclusions," I added. This act is a bit annoying. I need justice, but I can't.

"Uh, Mister Damocles, sir," called out a sassy voice from the back of the crowd. "I saw a student leaving the classroom right before the alarm went off, maybe it was her?" She made her voice all innocent at the end, making me use all my self=control to not go over there and punch her.

"Really? Who was it?" Demanded Mister Damocles.

"Let's see if she'll com clean," said Chloe, pretending to think as she tapped her chin. "What do you say, Marinette Dupain-Cheng." 

A gasped ran through the crowd and everyone turned to look at Marinette.

"Marinette!" Said the headmaster sternly. "Do you have something to tell the firefighter captain?"

"Wait, sir," I called out, raising my hand. "It couldn't possibly be Marinette, why would she want to disrupt her own father's cooking class?"

"And I know for a fact that Marinette didn't even have her phone with her when she left the class!" Agreed Alya.

"Uh, Mister Damocles. I must be on my way now-"

"Just one more minute, we're very close to discovering who the culprit is!" Said Mister Damocles, stopping the captain once again. 

Your doing exactly what you told us not to, waste the firefighter captain's time, I thought. Irony is alive and well, it seems.

"Oh, well," said Chloe with a smug smile. "We all know that it can't be me!" We all know that it is you.

"Very well, since nobody want to own up, the whole school will be punished!" Announced Mister Damocles.

The entire student body groaned in unison. Not including Chloe.

"I'm not so sure my father will react kindly to me being punished without any proof!" She said, bringing out her phone.

"W-w-wait!" Shouted Mister Damocles. He cleared his throat. "The whole school is punished except Miss Bourgeois."

Everyone groaned again. Not including Chloe.

"That's more like it!" Said a satisfied Chloe. I rolled my eyes.


"I need another clean cloth over!" I shouted to Mylene.

"Got it," she shouted back, throwing it to me. It landed on my eyes.

"The world's gone white and holey!" I laughed. Ah, missing ear jokes.

"What?" Asked a confused Alya.

I giggled, pulling the cloth down. "Nothing."

All of a sudden, I heard crying. I turned around to see Rose kneeling on the ground, tears falling from her face.

I frowned and crouched down next to her "Rose, what's wrong?"

"It's *sniff* it's C-Chloe!" She whimpered. "She called me *sniff* Cinderella!"

"What?" Yelled Marinette. She rolled up her sleeves. "I'm going to give that brat a piece of my mind-"

"Marinette, no," said Alya, pulling her back.

"Adrien's talking to her, maybe she'll listen to him and get some sense into her," I said, pointing to the two friends no longer friends talking at one of the benches.

"Ugh, I don't think so," huffed Marinette. "He's her friend remember?"

I looked over to Chloe and her crossed arms sitting on the bench. Not anymore.


9 days...whoops 0-0 School started again, so less time to write :/

Word count: 1160

Miraculously Reincarnated: History of The MiraculousDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora