Hearts Pounding

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I let out a small yelp of surprise when Chat scooped me up bridal style.

"C-Chat? Where are we going?" I asked, heart pounding.

"It's a surprise," Chat said with a smirk. "I would suggest you close your eyes."

"What? Are you crazy? We're probably ATLEAST 40 feet above ground right now," I exclaimed.

"You closed your eyes," commented Chat. I think I can feel Chat's heartbeat.

"Honestly Chat, you should able to tell if I'm joking or not. Of course I would close my eyes. I trust you," I said, whispering the last sentence, cheeks getting dusted with blush.

"I'm glad," Chat whispered back. My soul just left my body. He wasn't even trying and he's being so attractive.

"So...any hints about where we're going?" I asked, hoping to distract Chat from my beating heart. He could definitely feel it.

Chat chuckled. "Let's just say this night could make or break something very precious to me."

I automatically opened my mouth to give a witty response but my brain put two and two together before I could.

My soul just came back to leave my body again.


Wait, calm down, don't get too excited.



...good call.

"We're here." A shiver went down my spine as Chat whispered in my ear. That was very hot.

I opened my eyes but cringed and immediately closed them again.

"What's wrong?" Chat asked, worried. He gently tore my hands away from my eyes.

"It's nothing, I was just blinded by the candles for a moment-"

Chat went into a panic.

"Oh, of course! Your eyes were closed for so long! I'm so sorry, I didn't think of that! I'll put all the candles out-"

Then I realised how Chat must have been overthinking about every single detail to prepare this.

I approached him and hugged him. He stopped his worried thoughts.

"Don't blow the candles out, they're beautiful. Besides, it probably took a long time to get them all light up. My eyes just need a bit of time to adjust, that's all."

"O-okay," Chat did, face flushed from embarrassment."

I giggled. He's adorable.

I looked around to study the place Chat had set up. There was a heart shaped picnic blanket on the floor with a box of butter popcorn. Cookies and cake could also be seen. I recognise everyone of them.

The cake Chat and I made on the eve of Valentine's Day. The Christmas cookies- where were they selling these at this time?- Chat and I helped mom bake before Christmas. The butter popcorn especially tugged my heartstrings.

Chat got the one I wanted even though he didn't like it...! Well, the flavour he thought I wanted. Whatever, it's the thought that counts.

The two railing were decorated with dozens of candles and flowers. My favourite flower! Chat remembered...

Chat leaned into my ear again. " Do you know how to dance?"

Butterflies flew in my stomach but I didn't let Chat know. "Do you know how to teach?"

Chat set his baton on the ground and music started.

The gears of my brain started turning, but at the same time, it turned to mush.

The type of music we were dancing to was one of those couples danced to at the ball. And it was the same song we danced to at Chloe's party no less. I was getting some serious deja Vy from his mango flavoured shampoo.

When the song was over Chat didn't let go of me.

If Chat didn't feel my heartbeat before, he definitely did now.

Chat chuckled. "I do feel it."


Chat brought a finger up to my cheek and brushed it. All of a sudden he grabbed my hand and placed it on my chest.

"Can you feel mine?" Chat asked, a sly grin on his face. "It way worse than yours." Nah, mines way worse. It's a close second though. "I feel like it gonna burst through the leather at any moment."

I let put a silent gasp when Chat pulled me down onto his lap. My heartbeat quickened. If that was even possible anymore.

"Do you remember when you asked me why I called you Silver?" Chat suddenly asked.

Chat continued when I nodded. "Silver is a precious metal. And that's what you are to me. Someone precious.

"Silver is believed to draw out negative energy from someone's body and replace it with positive energy." Chat titled my chin up so that my eyes would look into his. I was reminded of how beautiful his emerald green eyes were. "That's what you do, Yin. When I see you, the only thing that fills me is happiness, and all my worries disappear."

"Silver also represents hope, unconditional love, tenderness and kindness. Things that you have shown me when I met you for the first time. I watched you in amazement when you so confidently told us about your plan and executed everything."

"But all I did was give a simple plan, you and Ladybug did all the work-"

"Shhh..." Chat whispered, putting a finger to my lips. He didn't need to ask twice, my brain stopped working immediately. "You need to realize how amazing you are Yin. It's why I fell in love with you.

"But before that, I think I should be honest with you about who I am..."

Is he going to do what I think he's going to do?

We have to stop him!

Why though?

My jaw dropped when I saw Chat detransform.

"Surprised?" He asked softly, giving me a smile.

"B-but, your identity is suppose to remain a secret!" I whisper-shouted. "Chat- Adrien, I'm really happy that you think that you can trust me, but what if Hawk Moth every akumatises me? You'd be doomed!"

Adrien cupped my face in his hands. "Like you said, I trust you."

Unconsciously, we both leaned forward. When our faces were less than a centimetre away, Adrien asked, "Can I kiss you?"

This question struck up a memory that caused me to blush.

I smirked. "I believe I've already answered that question, KittyKat."

"Now that I recall, I believe that answer was yes."


Word count: 1092

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