The Collecter

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"Woah! What happened here?" Asked Ladybug as she observed the room.

Ladybug, Chat Noir and I entered through one of the mansion's windows, and it just happened to belong to Gabriel Agreste's office.

"Looks like someone had a little tantrum," I laugh.

We look around the room for any clues that might continue our lead on Gabriel Agreste, when  one of the quacking walls disappeared. Behind the now missing wall stood the Collector. His right hand was holding a black book with a red and white triangle.

"Where is Gabriel Agreste?" Demanded Chat, furious. His hand squeezed tightly around his baton. Ladybug and I were also in fighting stances.

"There is no Gabriel Agreste, there is only the Collector!" He exclaimed, before throwing his book at Chat.

Dodging the book, Chat decide to use his baton and send it flying to the Collector. And before I could stop him, Chat's baton was 'collected' by the book.

"Great piece," commented the Collector, admiring Chat's baton. "Wouldn't you agree?"

He then sent the book after me, which, not to brag, but I easily avoided it by flying out of the way.

"Don't touch the pages of his book!" I warned Ladybug as she attempted to lasso the book with her yoyo. Thankfully, she missed. "It'll get collected into the book!"

Ladybug nodded and didn't try a second time, making a smile appear on my face.

"You won't be able to escape me!" Shouted the Collector, throwing it at Chat once again. Learning his lesson, the black cat leaped over him and out of the books way. Tackling him from the back, Chat successfully made the Collector fall to the ground.

"What are you going to do without your book?" Ask Chat. He had grab the book when it came back like a boomerang and shut it in half, careful to only touch the cover.

The Collector didn't respond to Chat's question. He reached his hand out, and using by just willing the book to fly into his hands, he had his book back.

The Collector didn't wait another moment before striking, this time going after me. Again, I dodged it by flying, his time I noticed the book didn't go back to it's owner.

"Moonrise, look out!" Called Chat.

I turned around but wasn't able to move fast enough. Next thing I know, I was falling. The book and taken my wings!

Also what is with me and falling this year? Fell from the sky, three times, fell down the stairs at the front of the school, fell off the small platform outside my window, almost fell off the Eiffel tower when Chat brought me there on Christmas. And who knows how many other incidents I can't think of right now.

"Moonrise? Are you okay?"

"H-huh?" I said, getting cut from my train of thoughts. Then I realized Chat was carrying me in his arms.

"You just fell from the ceiling," said Chat.

"Oh! Sorry," I said, quickly placing my feet on the ground, face flushed. Chat must've caught me when I fell.  

Ladybug and the Collector were fighting in the dining room. The door had been knocked down, so Chat and I easily entered. 

A few chairs were missing from the table and the gigantic mirror that I remember being there was gone.

Ladybug was using both her hands to push the Collector's book away. It was just a few centimeters away from her earrings.

I grab a the chair nearest to me and threw it at the Collector. "Get inspired from this!"

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