Birthday Crash

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"Nino, place your deck over there, next to the speaker," I instructed. "Ivan will move the other one here in a minute."

I looked around the park and smiled in satisfaction. It looked amazing. The class and I did a great job! Marinette's going to be amazed. 

"Girl, incoming trouble," warned Alya. "Make sure she doesn't undo all your hard work." After giving me her warning, she went to help Nino with his set. 

I turned a to sound of a engine to see Chloe stepping out of a limousine.

"Wow, this actually looks decent! If you're planning a party for a bunch of sewer rats of course!" She cackled loudly at her own joke. 

"What are you doing here Chloe?" I asked, walking up to her. 

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Look, Adrien's going to be here and as his best friend I have to come and support him while he suffers in this place." 

"Adrien's not coming Chloe." 

"And- WHAT?" 

"You heard me. Apparently he hasn't asked his father for permission yet and when he found out, he told Adroen he couldn't come."

"W-well! I might as well stay since I'm already here." 

I raised an eyebrow. "Okay then. I'm sure you won't want to help so Sabrina's sorting out the gifts over there. And Chloe?" 


"Please don't ruin tonight for Marinette." 

Chloe gave me a look. But it wasn't one of her usual mean ones. This one looked... offended. 

She tossed her hair and said, "Whatever." And sashayed over to the gifts table. 

I stared after her wearily as she approached Sabrina. It'll be fine, Sabrina will make sure she doesn't do anything. 

"Why's Chloe here?" Asked Alya as she skipped over to me. 

"For Adrien," I answered. Looking down at the clip board I was holding, I checked off music on my list. 

"Didn't you tell her that he isn't coming?" 

"I did, but she didn't leave." 

"What do you think she's up to?" Asked Alya, throwing a skeptical look at Chloe's direction. 

I shrugged. I had no idea why she would want to stay, but as long as she didn't cause any problems I had nothing against it.

"We can let her stay, Sabrina will have an eye on her anyway. She'll be our professional Chloe handler." Alya snorted. 

"If you're willing to take the risk..."

I nodded my head and went back to supervising. 

"Ivan, can you move the speaker a little over to the left?" 


I popped one of the macaroons my mom made into my mouth and checked off the last thing on my list. I gave Nino a thumbs up and he stopped the music he was playing.

I walked up in front of the class and cleared my throat. Giving my best smile, I said, "A few weeks ago, we decided that we would throw this party for Marinette to celebrate her birthday with her and to thank her for the things that she helped us with. She helped make the banner for Alex and Kim's race, the badges and posters for my class president campaigned, the design for our class seal and over-all being a great classmate and friend to all of us!"

The class cheered, excluding Chloe of course.

"And though we may just be a group of fourteen year-olds, this park look incredible! Great job everyone! If you're flexible enough, you should pat your own back.

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