Sorry Party

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"Juleka, this sunhat will look  great with your clothes and hair color!" I said, handing her the purple sunhat.

She took it and placed it on her head. Then she headed over to our makeshift studio we made in Marinette's room.

"And Mylene," I continued, picking up another hat. "This one will compliment your bandana!"

"Oh~! What about me, Yin?" Asked Rose, looking around for her hat.

"Hm...Here, take this!" I said, handing her a baby pink hat.

"Wow, it's so pretty!" Said Rose, her eyes sparkling. "Marinette, your designs are awesome!"

Marinette gave a little laugh. "Thank you!"

"Take a look!" Said Alya, showing Marinette the pictures she took. "These photos would make a great advertisement for your fashion blog!"

"Are you sure I should make one?" Asked Marinette uncertainly. 

"Of course!" I said. "The world must know about this amazing designer who wowed the famous fashion designer Gabriel Agreste!"

Marinette giggled. "He wasn't amazed, just please."

"C'mon, it's practically the same thing!" Said Mylene.

"Here," said Alya, turning on Marinette's computer. "I help you."


We crowded around the screen as Alya made the blog.

"So," asked Alya. 'What should the name of this fantastic blog be called?"

"I don't know?" Said Marinette.

"Oh! Oh!" Said Rose. "How about Marinette Styles?"

"It doesn't roll off he tongue very well," said Alya.

"Maybe we could use Marinette's nickname instead," I suggested. "Does Mari Styles sound good-? PUHAHAHA!"

"Uh, Yin? Are you okay?" Asked Mylene, concerned.

"N-nothing," I said, still giggling.

"That aside, I think Mari Styles is actually a pretty good name!" Said Alya. "All in favor?"

Everyone except Marinette raised their hands. 

"Marinette? You don't like the name?"

"N-no, it's not that!" She said hurriedly. "It's just...I feel weird, sharing my designs with the world."

"You're going to be a famous fashion designer! So getting use to this will benefit you!" Pointed out Rose.

"Okay, I'll do it!" Said Marinette. We cheered.

"Here," said Alya, opening an app on her phone. "I'll show you how to upload your photos and- what's this?"

"Chloe's inviting me to a party?" Alya asked, confused. 

"Me too!" Said Mylene checking her phone.

"Me too!" Squeaked Rose.

"Me too," muttered Juleka.

"Well I haven't got one," said Marinette, checking her phone.

"Huh, I don't have one either," I realized. Just as I said these words, a notification sounded on my phone. "Never mind, the invitation just came in." 

"That's so nice of Chloe!" Said Rose. She had completely forgotten how Chloe treated her before.

"Chloe and nice in the same sentence? Can't be her!" Ridiculed Marinette.

Miraculously Reincarnated: History of The MiraculousDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora