"If I could stand down, I would. Heed me. Give me the heart," Mr Gold said.

There was a knock on the door, "Aunt Em? You in there?" Julia said as she walked in.

"Julia! Run!" Emma yelled.

"Come here, Julia," Mr Gold said.

"Gold, don't do this... She's your granddaughter," Emma said.

"Trust me, dearie, I don't want to. I really don't. Come closer, Julia," Mr Gold said and magically forced Julia forward.

"Aunt Emma!" Julia said.

"And stop," Mr Gold said and used his magic to push the girl to the ground.

"Aunt Em! Help!" Julia yelled.

"I didn't want to do this either," Emma shot her bullet, only for Mr Gold to magically catch it in mid-air then he changed the direction of the bullet to Julia, "No! Don't!" Emma yelled.

"You've always been good with your aim. And I've just changed your target. If I drop my finger..." Mr Gold said.

"No! Wait! Wait," Emma put the gun down and walked over to a loose floorboard, she removed the board and took out a small pouch that contained Regina's heart, "This is what you want isn't it?" Emma said.

"Thank you," He took the pouch, "And I am sorry," Mr Gold said and sent the arrow flying until it was inches from Julia before it dropped then Mr Gold disappeared.

Emma approached Julia who had passed out from the shock, Emma collected the small girl in her arms and Regina ran in, "What happened?" Regina asked.

"I'm sorry, it's gone," Emma said as she laid Julia on her bed.

"Was she hurt?" Regina asked as she walked up.

"Luckily, no. I really am sorry, you trusted me and I let you down... I let both you and Elaine down... Allowed Julia to see magic, to almost get hurt," Emma said.

"No, you didn't. Nothing's worth the loss of a child. But not we have a problem. I'm alive and I can simply make her forget what happened," Regina said and she brushed her hand over Julia's forehead.

"Right?" Emma said.

"She has my heart," She looked at Emma, "Gold's taken it for her, and since she hasn't crushed it and killed me, that means she needs it for something far worse," Regina said.

"Worse than murder? What is she planning for you then?" Emma asked.

"It doesn't matter. Because I'm going to stop her," Regina sat on the bed and brushed her hand over Julia's forehead, "There... Everything that just happened... She won't remember," Regina said.

"Ever?" Emma asked.

"If Henry and Julia remember what I've made them forget she'll remember then, but not before," Regina said.


Belle and Callie walked into the front room and saw Regina rummaging through the items, "Hey! Hey! Hey! Stop! Stop it!" Callie said.

"What... What are you looking for?" Belle asked.

"I need to destroy my sister. She has my heart," Belle looked nervous as Callie got ready to use her magic, "Oh, relax. She can't control me with it. I protected it from that," Callie and Belle relaxed a little as they looked at her, "The problem is, I don't know what she's planning on using it for, which is why I need to take her out!" Regina turned to them, "I need your help, what do you two have here?" Regina asked.

Home is Where the Heart is [OUAT|| Swan Princess Trio Book #3]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя