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***** Dave Morgan *****
The crowd thinned out significantly after the burial while a few still lingered next to the fresh grave that had now been mounted by moist earth thanks to the nonstop rainfall the previous night.

I stood a little far back as I watched  the interaction between mourners and the bereaved. The sun had only started to peek out of the cloudy morning and the rays barely warmed the air but was nice enough for a scenic view.— not relaxing but scenic.

Harris gave my shoulder a firm pat and I nodded before he walked over to Lisa and her aunt who were stood huddled together.

He touched her arm and she turned to hug him. Her aunt gave him a teary smile and a nod before walking away from the duo.

Turning away from the interaction, I greeted a man stood next to me before walking away to wait for her in my car.

"Hello?" A quiet voice greeted from my side and I turned to be met with the sight of a puffy eyed older version of Ella.

Good looks did really run in the family.

"Hello," I replied quietly and pulled my hands out of my pockets as a sign of respect.

"You came with Lisa?" She asked and I nodded. "Take care of her. That girl takes everything to heart. She won't even stay with me for a while." I could see the pain in her eyes as she looked over to where a solemn Lisa was nodding to something Harris had told her.

"I will," I promised with a small smile for assurance.

"Make sure she eats," a sneeze cut her off as she sneezed into her handkerchief.  "I have to go." She announced and gave me a small smile before walking away.

I watched as the her fragile looking figure walked away to a car parked at the far end of the burial site before turning to watch Lisa.

She smiled sadly at something Harris had said before shaking her head and looking downward for a second. Wanting to stop the pang in my chest, I quickly scanned the crowd that had remained only to spot Marc talking to Ella's dad.

When he saw me watching,  he waved me over and I walked up to them.

"Hey?" This was the first time since I'd arrived that he actually looked a little civil enough to acknowledge my presence in a socially acceptable manner.

Whatever it was that made my insides warm up I'll never know, but watching him, a severely broken man try to pull himself together,  I finally understood how loss could translate differently to different people.

"Hi," I directed my greeting to both men and Ella's dad smiled in response.

"I was just inviting Marc over for lunch, would you like to join?" He asked quietly while eyeing Lisa who was stood a few yards away from us still talking to Harris.

"I'd love to but I have a meeting in a while," I replied and eyed Marc who seemed a little relaxed than he was last night.

"I'm going back to the hotel with you," he decided after my response, "maybe we could change that to dinner? I'm sure Lisa would love to join us as well." He suggested.

"I will confirm with Edith and give you a call," Ella's dad replied, "have a n-"

"Hey, sorry to interrupt, " Lisa called in between the group we were standing in and turned to me, "a sec?" She requested.

Moving away from the two men, I followed her a few steps away. "Want to leave?"

"I'm heading out with Harris for coffee, I'll join you later?" The words made something bitter twist within me yet I smiled and nodded.

"Have a nice time," I told and walked back to where Marc now stood alone.

"Shall we go?" He asked eyeing who I assumed to be Lisa still stood behind me and I nodded before heading to my car.

"Are you two dating?" Marc's question was meant to be innocent if anything,  but it riled me up in so many ways I couldn't begin to count.

What the hell was wrong with me today?

"No," I said with a sigh before throwing my suit jacket on the couch. "We're not."

"Just friends?"

"Yeah," I replied tightly.

As if not getting the unspoken warning not to continue farther, Marc hummed and sat on the couch before turning to study me.

I just stood there like a fool waiting for him to say something that would finally boil the anger within me.

"You're jealous." He finally said and I scoffed.

"I know." It was the truth and there was no point denying it.


"I-" I thought I knew the answer until his question hit me. "Is there supposed to be a reason?" When he rose his eyebrow at me, I realized I was being stupid. "I like her and I hate it when her attention is elsewhere. "

"Does she know?"

"Man, why are we talking about this?" I groaned and sat on the couch opposite him.

"I just lost a woman I've been pinning on since I first saw her. Wouldn't want to be me," he paused and I could see tears well up despite his attempts to suck it up, "sucks to be me man. It really blows."

"I'm sorry man."

"All cool," he brushed me off and stood up, "I'm going to get some sleep. Tell her soon a'ight?"

"Yeah sure," I said and sank deeper into the seat.

Tell her? After everything I've done to her I'm pretty sure the last thing she wants to hear is me saying I like her.

Yet the idea didn't sound half as bad!

Thanks for the read...

Not too long a chapter because I swear sometimes bad things happen to me just for shits and giggles.

Just lost my pet a day ago and I've been bawling my eyes out. Like c'mon I've just started getting the hang of things and she dies!!!

That being said, thanks to the private messages you sent to console me, I'm forever grateful.

I wish to finish this book soon and work on other projects.

Please safe guys.

Love, Eline ❤

The VIRGIN STRIPPERTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon