020// Journal

9 2 8

MAY 03 | 12:20

Mas maaga akong umuwi kaysa inaasahan. Gotta blame that leech for reporting me to my parents.

I was scold because of the issue but not that much. They said it's a sign that I should stop using my phone for the mean time. They even confiscated it!! But I said I need it for the music so yeah, they gave it back.

Dance. Dance. Dance. Dance again

Dancing is happiness, nothing else

Dance routine

Dance the whole day

Dance for your life

Dance is life.

Keep calm and love dancing.

Dance and dance and dance and dance and dance

You're born to dance

Dance is my dream

Fck, where's the lie? My whole life. Curse this talent. I just want to rest, but I am not even allowed? Wtf

I. Am. Not. Freakin'. Happy. I. Am. Fckin'. Tired.

But yeah, now practicing new steps for the competition (grand finals) next month.

Dance champion = Divina Lexi Apostol (no one else)

-D. L. Apostol

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